Confused and need help!

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Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, USA
I am really confused. I took my rabbit to three differet vets. There is not skeletal damage but he can't use his left rear leg. He is 4.0 pounds. 5 years of age. Has a regular appetite. He stood once on his useles leg for about 30 seconds. I need help. I am a little confused. So I need help!
What did all the vets say it was?
When did you notice it?
What do you see when you look at him and the leg?
What have you tried to do to help?
Any pain beds?
Whats his cage like? Levels? odd toys?
Does he go outside? Other pets?
They all said it was some different form of a tramatic injury. I noticed it yesterday. He is always is a form of laying down with the leg sticking out from under him. I haven't tried much but the vet has done some ciropractic therapy , and some cold wave laser treatments. I haven't heard of pain beds... so no? His cage is one level cage with a little tunnel but the vet says to keep him in a small space so he can't move much and cause any more damage. Yes, he runs in a backyard with his two other rabbit buddies but he hasn't been outside in about three days.
If nothing is broken then the vets are thinking that it might be a soft tissue injury and by restricting his movement it would slowly get better. Only time would tell...did the vet give you pain meds for him? Any bloodwork?
No pain meds. They did a little bit of blood work but they couldn't get enough blood because the vains in his ear are so small. We are taking him back soon for a cold laser treatment and the vet said that if he seems to be in any form of pain, that she would give him pain meds
Are you sure this couldn't be something like EC (Encephalitozoon Cuniculi)? That can cause loss of use of back legs.
Ok, Poohbear is doing fine now! We gave him lots of rest, anti-inflamitory, cold wave laser therapy, and TONS pf TLC! He is back on his feet now and back to doing what bunnies do. We are still goong to give lots more rest and the same things above for just a little bit long to maeke sure he is 100% better and not just ok. Thank you guys for all your advice!

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