Cobra insecticide? Safe or no?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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We have an abnooormal abundance of mosquitoes this summer, and they are way beyond agonizing. Although we don't open anything since outside is hotter. We cannot get rid of them, they won't let us sleep. We've been killing them for two hours straight and they're still here.

So dad thought that he would go thru all of our living, with Cobra insecticide for all types of bugs, in that 400ml can. He would spray it, let it sit and then waft the whole house the best we can for an hour. For that time, we would remove all of Storm's items and himself too.

Is that way safe enough?
Not really, what we have tried isn't effective. We tried one with electicity and many of those which have either a capsule or liquid in them. We have also tried bug repelling big candles, but they still keep coming.

Considering that this house is so old, there would be no wonder if they had made a nest inside or nearby (we might also have a wasps', hornets', bees' or flies' nest in our wall as a weird bug buzz is very audible from within. Dad wants to rid of those too.) and kept coming because we see them of all various sizes mixed together, of different looks too. So it would really be inefective in the long run to keep swatting them.
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What are the active ingredients? Any use of chemical pesticides can pose a risk. Mosquitos lay their eggs on the wet walls at the edge of stagnant pools/containers of water. I would be looking for that. Better to eliminate the source of the problem.
Hmm. From what i found, the active ingredient is this thing: lambda-Cyhalothrin.
We can't really get rid of our drinking water bucket inside...

What harm could it potentially cause if there's too much residue of it left? I've got sensitive lungs as well so i would probably notice if there's too much still in the room, but just to be on the safe side...
Have you thought of a physical item to repel them first? Not sure what you can get where you are.
Rabbits have pretty fragile respiratory systems. I could caution against using chemicals.

That "repeller" is strictly for outdoor use only, I guess the chemicals evaporated aren't as harmless, they don't even claim that as far as I've seen.

There are those heaters that plug into a socket and where you put those little plates in, those are at least rated for indoor use, so that would be an option.

Wasps can be annoying or even a problem, but I really like the hornets around my house, both actually do quite some hunting. If they aren't an immidiate problem I wouldn't remove them.

You don't have your drinking water standing around long enough for mosquitoes to hatch, I guess it would taste rather "rich" then :D

I don't think there is any real safe toxin, they all have collateral effects. At least I wouldn't use one where there is an LD50 value for rabbits on Wikipedia, or at least make sure that there is no direct contact. Very unlikely that it would cause actual problems, I just don't like the concept.
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Nope, our water tastes rich of iron and other microelements that are there in a bit too big quantities, but haven't seen or felt any larvae-richness in it.
The repellents with the liquids and the disks are exactly wat we tried, many different varieties that are avaliable here-nope, they are meager at best. Not doing their supposed job effectively.
Wasps, hornets, flies, bees- we don't know what's in that wall, no way of finding out either. They just buzz obnoxiously loud at night. They probaby got in from one of the numerous cracks in the foundation of the house.
I'll keep it in mind, i'll make sure to tell dad to air the rooms for a long long time when he does decide to cobra our house.
It's going to be up to you and your family, whether you use it or not. But do be aware that there are possible risks associated with pyrethrins and rabbits, if your rabbit is exposed to or ingests too much(through grooming off residue left on the floor and surfaces). It's not just airborne, so airing out prior to reentering won't get rid of the chemical. There will be a residue of the chemical left on everything that is sprayed. And if there are any enzyme inhibitors added, I definitely would urge not using it, as those essentially increase the toxic effects, making it almost certain your rabbit will be affected.
Hmmm yeah that is a thing i need to think about, wouldn't want to put Storm in any more danger than rabbits are naturally inclined to.

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