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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
I don't know why but I seem to clean things the best and actually want to clean when it's late at night and I'm tried.
I've cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, and even the rabbit cages a few times at about 11PM/Midnight. I also once cleaned my gerbil tank at 4AM (Yes I was up that late! LOL). I have no clue why I feel like cleaning so late though. :ponder:

Am I the only one like that? LOL
I actually go through cleaning binges...don't feel like doing it very often, but when it hits it's usually first thing in the morning.

I'm more a night person for creative stuff, like writing, sketching. Almost never feel like doing either of those in the daytime. :)
I feel like cleaning when there are other things I SHOULD be getting done. Like my lesson plans. heh

I don't feel like cleaning this Winter Break, BUT, I have to. I've made headway in every room. I can't say that a single room is completely done, though. I think my son's room and the living room are closest to being done. I'm going to take photos as soon as a room is done so I can remember what it looks like clean. They never stay that way for very long. heh

Ya I'm the same lol, it just happened to me a little while ago. It's like 2am here and I don't feel like sleeping and my room was really messy and I got really annoyed with it so I cleaned it all up. Other then getting a sudden craving for cleaning at night I never clean and hate cleaning.
When I start cleaning, I have to continue. If I stop, I loose momentum and won't finish. So when I clean, I can clean a lot, otherwise, I hate cleaning.
I don't like to clean, I can always find something else to do when I should be cleaning. But when I start cleaning, then I have a hard time stopping. I'll find something else that needs to be done, then something else, and so on, until I'm exhausted.

I'm also a really compulsive organizer. Things will get kinda messy, like on my desk or something, so I'll start cleaning/organizing my desk, then the next thing I know I'm organizing a kitchen cabinet, or the bathroom counter top, or the cabinet the bunny stuff is kept in. I actually got a lot of organizing done today, I hung up 5 pictures, plus a set of those cube-shelf thingies and put my ceramic bunny figurines in them; and I cleaned off the dining table; and I straightened both bunny cages; and I bought a new shower caddy and put that up...... Finally made myself just stop!
I hate cleaning too! But once I get going it's not so bad. :p

I actually don't mind cleaning bathrooms, some people do. I mean, if it's like super gross and nasty I'm out! But really they don't discuss me. :p
cleaning??? i usually only feel the need to do such a thing when i see a mess everywhere... and with two kids under the age of 7 thats quite often!!!! i have adopted the great art of bribery... you help mummy clean up and we can get a bunny out to play with. works very well on the 6 yr old. the 18 mth old has yet to catch on but heres hoping lol
Elf Mommy wrote:
I need some of the OCD, cleaning and organizing frenzy people over to my house and let them loose! I'm drowning in clutter!


Nah you don't it could get worse before it gets better.
Elf Mommy wrote:
I need some of the OCD, cleaning and organizing frenzy people over to my house and let them loose! I'm drowning in clutter!


Me too! and I clean houses for a part time job!!!!!!!! I started out cleaning for a company that had rental RV's and motorhomes. It was just a job that landed in my lap....... then the houses landed! I HATE CLEANING my own house. My work houses are pretty organized so it's just go in, dust, mop, vacuum, sinks, tubs, showers, toilets and...... I do the windows! LOL!

To answer the thread...... when I clean the best is when NO ONE is home but me.
I actually hope I can get some cleaning done today. Holidays are over and I am hoping my life is back to normal.
We're getting ready to go to my parent's house for Christmas. This is the first time we've split up the day. I think I like it but I'm sorta worn out too!
I looooove to clean. I wish I could say the same for Ryan and the pets :grumpy::p.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
To answer the thread...... when I clean the best is when NO ONE is home but me.

Ohhhh! Me Too! Me Too! My hubby and daughter went to go pick up my nephew in Savannah yesterday and I got SO much done in the 5 or so hours they were gone! I need them to go away again. hehe

Sorry if this is TMI, but I nearly always feel compelled to clean once a month... right around the time I'm ovulating. Take that as you will. I think it's kind of funny though. I don't hate cleaning, and once I get started, I can get a lot accomplished. The key for me is to make a habit of tidying the whole apartment at the end of every day. I feel so much more at peace with the world when things are organized! We live in a tiny little place too so it's hard to have everything looking great because it's difficult to have a place for everything. I sometimes worry about what the background looks like in pictures of the bunnies because our carpets look awful even though they're clean (we rent and smokers lived here before so there are burns and stains and general grossness) and I have a lot of stuff stored away down at ground level. I can't wait until we live somewhere bigger, where we'll have enough space to store our stuff!

Right now I'm visiting my mom in Washington and my room and closet here are going to be painted in January. Yesterday I went through every single item in my dresser, bedside table and armoire, my book shelves and about 1/3 of the things in my closet. Looking for things to get rid of and generally organizing. My room looks like a disaster because everything has to be removed from my closet so they can paint and I have a lot of stuff to donate. I figure I'll finish tomorrow. I'm actually glad to do this because when I do move all my stuff out (either when we decide to permanently stay in Alaska or when we decide to move back to Washington), I'll just have to finish putting stuff in boxes and take it out to the truck instead of sorting through tons of stuff first!

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