Cleaning a bunny's cage?

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Wallace the bunny's best friend :)
Aug 7, 2013
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Conshohocken. PA
My mom sad my room smells. I have a bunny and a hamster in my room. I think it's only the hay you can smell.. But how often should I change his litter box? Should I use vinegar?
How often you should change it really depends on the kind of litter and the size of the box. I used to use a smaller box with a plastic stitching screen on top which would keep the poops on top and allow the litter to fall through to the litter (I use a pine pelleted cat litter like feline pine) below. Then I would dump off the poops and scoop out the wet litter every day.

Now I use a jumbo cat box with a thin layer of pine pellets and I dump the whole box roughly twice a week when all the litter has gotten wet.
I scoop out the boxes daily to keep the smell down. However, for my bunnies their boxes aren't huge so they get dirtier faster. But, for smell, the more you clean the better it'll smell. I even just spot scoop every day, I don't dump the entire thing until the bottom seem really icky. Then I dump it all, use vinegar and get it really clean.
Thumper's cage is a large dog pen. He is only in there at night and when no one is home. He has a large cat litter box. I use a thin layer of horse stall pellet bedding and on top of that a thin layer of kiln dried pine shavings. I clean his cage every day which mostly involves just wiping the bottom of the cage out and I clean his litter box every day.

I have two small buns in a cage made with a coroplast bottom and an x pen. The cage is seven feet long. They use a plastic storage box that is three feet long as a litter box. I use the same combination of litter for them. I clean their cage and litter box every other day.

A good way to clean that I have found is to wipe the cage down with a water,vinegar mix on a rag or towel. I mix more vinegar than water. Then I use a towel with just water and wipe down again. The vinegar gets rid of odors and the towel with just water helps to get rid of the vinegar smell.

I have two litter boxes for each cage that way one is in the cage and one is clean and ready to go so once I clean one I can just let it air dry and the buns always have a litter box available so no accidents while waiting for one to be cleaned and dry and refilled with litter.
Something else that might help if you're having a problem with urine smell is to use a small amount of Sweet PDZ (also called Stall Dry) in the litter box. Its very fine & granular and it's used in livestock stalls to cut the urine smell. I use it in our drop pans and transport carriers, along with the pelleted bedding, and it helps a lot. Only use it though if you have a grate over the litter box so the rabbit can't eat it. You can find it at feed stores and Tractor Supply.

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