Chompers Blog

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA
Chompers, the abandoned bun, was matted when I took him home from Petsmart (he was dropped off after some people found him hiding in a bush in the Arizona heat). I had shaved what I could and combed out the rest. He now lacks almost any hair on his back. Here are his pics taken today, Aug. 26th:




He is enjoying his new home and family, for the most part. He does after all have to deal with these 2 rascals:


Duncan the hairless Chinese Crested who thinks he is just the hottest thing that has ever stepped onto the planet and..

Oasis, the not so smart but weighing in at 50 lbs and loves every thing that comes before her, boxer.

It's just his first week living here with me and my family and so far he is running around like he's having the time of his life. Of course, as long as he stays away from:


Jk Kidding..that's Precious. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Just a rat..or two..

Hopefully soon Chompers' hair will grow back and we will find out what a beautiful bun he is!
Hi Chompers! He's so cute, I bet he's going to be stunning once his fur has grown back. The rest of your family is beautiful also. Welcome to the forum!

Aww sweet looking animals.

That is th ecage my Teresa was kept in outside durring the snow before we got her.
Aww...poor Chomper...he'll be SO HAPPY when his fur is all nice and healthy again...

Hey...I noticed a sunflower seed sitting in his food. I recommend a (gradual) change in his food, as seeds can be quite dangerous for buns to consume.

Check out this article:

In it, she says, "Some types of seeds (especially things like "Canadian peas" and corn kernels) have hulls that are indigestible to a rabbit, and can cause life-threatening intestinal impactions/blockages."

Here's some things to help you out. :)

Here's the section on Feeding Your Rabbit (from the Bunny 101 section of the forum):

Here's the section specifically about Pellet Food:

And here are a couple of good things to read that will help you decide what type of pellet food to give Chomper:

This one lists recommended percentages of things in pellet food:

This one has a good guideline on how much to feed per age:

I, personally, recommend Kaytee Timothy Complete (Timothy hay based food) for him if he's a proper weight, and over nine months of age. If either of those he is not, I recommend Kaytee Supreme Diet for Rabbits (alfalfa hay based food). Or you could go the more expensive (and just as or more wonderful) route of getting your bun Oxbow Bunny Basics T. :)

The general rule of thumb is giving them 1/4 cup of pellet food per 5lbs...that is, providing he's of the proper weight (not underweight), and over nine months of age. Otherwise, free-feed the Supreme Diet until proper weight is reached, or he is over nine months of age.

In switching food, you'll want to use this formula:

FIRST WEEK: 1/4 new food, 3/4 old food
SECOND WEEK: 1/2 and 1/2
THIRD WEEK: 3/4 new food, 1/4 old food
AFTER THIRD WEEK: all new food


Hope all that helps, and isn't confusing! :)


No worries. I know about the food and I try to make sure he isn't eating the seeds. That was just some free stuff the people gave me that they had left over. I didn't want to waste it but that seed must have fell on the ground while I put a little on the floor to keep him still.
Aww, Chompers is so cute with his shaved off hair :biggrin2:
He'll probably look beautiful when it all grows back in.

By the way.... I looove your snake :p Ball Python?

~Diana and Butter
Butterfinger wrote:
Aww, Chompers is so cute with his shaved off hair :biggrin2:
He'll probably look beautiful when it all grows back in.

By the way.... I looove your snake :p Ball Python?

~Diana and Butter

Thank you! Right now it kind of looks like he has a skirt on :p I'm really excited to see when his hair all grows back

Yep, Ball Python :). She's a sweetheart too. I just put her around my neck and I can walk around everywhere with her and she just hangs out.

Oh and I also want to add, Butters (I'm assuming he's the bunny in your avatar), is so flipping cute! That little face...I just want to hug him! :biggrin2:

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