Chewing on Toenails??

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Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Central Valley, California, USA
Alright, being a young male I may not be as attentive in the grooming department when it comes to my feet. However my new rabbit (and first rabbit) has become very comfortable around me, so comfortable that it seems he has decided that any excess toenail that I havn't cut off is an acceptable chew toy.

He has plenty of things to chew on from cardboard to wicker to wood to any clothes that I fail to pick up off my floor in a timely manner- so why has he decided to chew on me? It doesn't seem to be an expression of anger or informing me of the state of his food bowl- its just absent minded chewing.

How do I discourage such a behavior? "No (Clap)" works for the particular instance of chewing but- really I would prefer not to have to put on socks when its time for him to roam.
Be careful about him chewing on cardboard and clothing... Wood is fine, but that isn't because of the dyes and other materials. It can be harmful. Are we talking about your toenails or the rabbits nails? I'm sorry, that part was very confusing. If it is yours, rabbits tend to chew on anything, even skin. But if it is your rabbit's nails, then you might need to cut a little down farther.
Oh I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. My toenails seem to be of preference to him. When I first got him and I hadn't read about bunny proofing he got a hold of my leather boots, which I promptly took away- and now the throwback of that desire to eat my shoes has manifested itself as a nibble on my toes?

How do I discourage this behavior so that it is safe to walk in my barefoot?

(and thank you for the note about the cardboard. I don't intentionally give him my clothes to nibble on, I knew that it could clog up his system [and who really wants to walk around with rabbit holes in their shirt?] but I hadn't known about cardboard)
My first rabbit got to the point he wanted to chew on my nails, too. Fingernails and nails. When I released him for a run in the house, and he started to nibble, I'd bend down and tap his rear and say a sharp "No". Clapping just scares them for a while. It will take a bit for him to realize that he needs to stop chewing or he'll get a small tap. If a small tap doesn't work, try a smack. Not enough to hurt him, though.

I'm not going to guarantee it, all I know is that it helped with all my rabbits except two, but their brand new Rescues I'm still dealing with.

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