Cat suddenly peed out of litterbox? NEED HELP ASAP

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leo (they/them)
Feb 22, 2010
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Pepper peed on the dog bed RIGHT in front of my dad and I. What does this mean? WHY did she suddenly decide to pee outside of the litterbox when she and Natasha have been doing so good? Does anyone have any potential answers?

I don’t know what to do because Pepper’s locked in a room now (I don’t know what else to do!) and my dad pretty much already told me, when the cats first came in the house, “If they pee in my house, they’re out.”

Well, WHAT DO I DO? I don’t want them to be outside any more. Please, someone help. I feel like I’m going to puke, I can’t stop crying.

The current steps I am taking are:
-Get three NEW, LARGER litterboxes (we only have two right now)
-Get new litter (Cat attract)
-Put the litterboxes in new places (except for one in the 'old' place obviously)
-Clean them even MORE often
-Call about a UTI test.
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Cleaning them more often isn't going to solve their pee problem....

My friend has a cat that will pee randomly (we think it's out of spite LOL) on the bathroom rug. There is nothing wrong, he just DOES it sometimes. Cats can be jerks sometimes!

Just try to calmly tell your dad (yelling won't help) that it was an accident and all animals have them. Animals aren't always perfect when it comes to controlling their bladder. All of our dogs have been housebroken for a long time, but there has always been that occasional pooping on the floor. Just like buns will sometimes leave stray poops on the floor.