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WOW! That's amazing!

I'll have to dig up some stories about the Monkeys!

Wouldn't that confuse people?!?!?! Stories about Monkeys, living in the jungle, in a book about rabbits....

This is a GREAT idea! I definatly want one when there're published!!!!!

irishmist wrote:
In a earlier post I had half jokingly said that I shouldwrite a book about bunnies. I talked to a publisher and theyare very interested! My book would follow the lines of theChicken Soup Books.

So here is what I need.... I need and will beg for any stories that youhave... I need a minimum of 200... the stories can be heartfelt or theycan be funny or it can be a lesson well learned.

Should your story be chosen you will be credited with thestory. Half of any monies made on the book will be donated toa Rabbit Rescue (to be named later). The book will also bededicated to Buck. I would like Carolyn to write that if youfeel so inclined.

If you are interested PM me and I will give you my email addy.

Thanking you in advance!


Hey Susan.....I've been thinking about this a lot. Nag meabout getting you some stories later next week after the kids are backto college. I have some funny ones....about ShopGirl and Tinyand maybe even about his harem...

See, and I never saw this. I may have to come upwith something a lil different, so I'm not stealing the thunder fromyou. :) hehe

I'll keep thinking!
Susan, feel free to use any of mystories ok. If you decide to use one I'll be curious to know which one.I have lots of them in my thread.

I'd completely forgotten about this, well, notcompletely, but basically. LOL Anyway, I have a fewstories. I'll work on getting them written for you and thensend them off. Do you need photos as well?

I still think you should ask the Missus if you could have Earnestine on the cover.


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