Carpet Chewer?

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Active Member
Mar 28, 2010
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Washington, Iowa, USA
Lately, everytime I let my bun out to run around the house, he tries to chew/dig the carpet. He rips it apart and the last time I caught him doing it, he had a piece of carpet in his mouth (which I had to remove).....Is there anyway I can stop him from doing this? I don't want my carpet destroyed, and I don't want him getting sick from eating it. :(
I follow Lily around, because she's a chronic carpet EATER, and tickle her butt to get her moving every time she starts up. She absolutely hates butt tickles. You could try spraying that stuff on your carpet made for dogs to discourage them from chewing (mine enjoyed it), or just keep him in a room with no carpet. Or you could try spraying him with water every time he does a no no.

That's all I got.
mine is a cloth chewer, any type of cloth....yesterday she chewed three big holes in my comforter and she has chewed holes in my brand new couch and countless pairs of pants and shirts, she just loves chewing, even though i give her boxes and hay and toys to chew (which she does) she just looooves cloth. Haven't figured out a way to stop her yet other than constant supervision which is difficult because she is a semi free range bunny.
Gus is a carpet chewer. He does it to get attention. I bought some of those small carpet samples from the Home Depot (they're like $1.99 each) to put over the spots where he chews the most. Of course, he doesn't chew the carpet samples, just shoves them out of the way to get to the carpet underneath. Sigh.

Anyway, if I catch him chewing, I'll try to distract him (I'll toss his fleece blankie over him and let him dig, chew, and push that around for a bit) or chase him away from that spot or just give in and pet him (because that's what he really wants! :p)

Julie, have you considered giving your bun a fleece blanket to destroy instead of your clothes and furniture?

Hope that helps!

Has anyone tried giving their buns some nautrual "rabbit safe" branches or twigs to chew on, that might curb some of the carpet/fabric chewing, I know a favorite is apple wood which of course I don't have but I do have mulberry branches/trees.
Thanks for all the advice!

I will try with the carpet squares and also with the water bottle. I think he knows he's not supposed to do it, because when I go over to him while he's digging/chewing he stops right away and hops off. haha He's such a little stinker!
If he's chewing/digging at the same spot, get a bar of Ivory soap and rub it on the spot. That's the only thing that would stop Pixel. She hated the smell of it. I don't know why Ivory soap works and others don't. I also made a diggy box. I got a box big enough for her to easily fit in and covered the interior with carpet using hot glue to keep it down. Pixel, of course, ignored the diggy box, but Skyler, Stella, and Parker love the diggy box. Stella has dug all the way through the carpet and the box, so we patched the hole with parts from another box.
Hmm, Acacia got at the carpet rug in her closet pen and I figured out she was chewing and digging at it because she was mad at being locked in overnights. So I had to straighten out the rug again and then give her an extra toy at bedtime and put her salad in a closed box so she had to chew into that if she wanted to eat. It helped a lot!! I also bought those puzzle peice foam squares but she got at them, I covered them with felt blankets from Dollarama and that certainly helped!

Maybe since they have sensitive sniffers you could put something in the carpet, like the ivory soap someone else used, bc its not too harsh to smell and if she don;t like it she can leave :p I have Acacia trained to stop what she's doing if I make that "skiiiiiizzzzzzz" sound people use at cats. Then she stops and I tell her (in a nice voice) what a bad bunny she is and to plz stop!! Some bunnies will outright be bad and not listen though. I hope yu get yous to behave!! ^.^

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