can i give her

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
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Cardiff, Wales, , United Kingdom
was wondering can i give caramel celery,beetroot was at our local supermarket and was going to get some butthought twice as i wasnt sure she could have them, how much veg shouldi give her each feed time, as i gave her two sprouts, a stem ofbroccoli and about 4 leaves of spinach and she had almost finished itall with in bout 5mins
celery and celery leaves are fine, but cut thecelery up into small pieces (less than 1inch) so that they do not chokeor have issues with the threads in the celery. How old isyour bun? They can get approx. 2 cups of veggies/5lbs of bodyweight, but work your way up slowly and add new veggies one at a timeto get her used to it.

Check out the Bunny 101 section


Though with celery my girls will like it sometimes, and sometimes won'ttouch it, if they get it more than twice a week they won't eat it againfor ages:rollseyesThey always love the leaves though!

Not that they are eating much right now...:?

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