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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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, Texas, USA
I had to terminate a skater, and the backlash with 2 others has been horrendous, it was expected as they are her buddies. But I feel like a massive jerk about it, getting rid of someone you actually like but can't follow rules is never an easy task.

I won't tell you all the back story...until after I get input.

Can you all please read this...and tell me if I am being to harsh, hateful or am I being crystal clear? Do I sound like I am singling anybody out? This is a league post..everyone got it.

Any and all thoughts are greatly appreciated..


Rules and Regulations Recap and Explanation

Upon arrival into our league, each newbie is sat down and given both a set of the rules and a liability waiver. Our new recruit coordinator then goes over each and every rule with them, reading them to them, and further explaining the rules and giving examples of each rule. Every single person. be it ref, volunteer or skater..has this done to them.They then either elect to go if it is not kosher with them, or they sign their life away to roller derby if they are in agreement with the rules.

Each set of signed and clearly explained rules is then given to the league secretary, and two copies are then made. One stays at the rink, one is given to the skater/ref/volunteer to refer back to, and then the third is kept on file with the league.

Most times we do not need to rehash or reiterate anything, once in a great while we do. To alleviate any further questions.. I will repost our rules, with the explanation given, and elaborate on certain applicable situations.

I'd like to think the rules are read, and absorbed and taken to heart, but when they have to be reiterated, and I get to hear such priceless gems as "I was not told" or, "I didn't know" it tells me one of 3 things, you ignored the whole orientation process, or you signed your name without reading the rules, in which case I could have just had you sign your own death warrant, or, you in fact have some sort of learning disability hindering your reading/cognitive skills we are unaware of, and need to be made aware of, as if you can't read and absorb personal rules, you surely can't read and absorb the training manual, minimum skills requirements or the WFTDA standard, and that my friend, makes you a dangerous skater

I would like to begin with a repost, an excerpt if you will, from a blog on, that applies to rules and leagues in general, that I think is appropriate.

I have been lucky enough to be a part of some pretty amazing leagues throughout my derby career.....stretching from north Dakota to san Antonio Texas baby......the main problem that all have shared would be the lack of communication.....or the way they choose to communicate for that matter......communication is like a foundation of a house......without a strong and sound foundation its only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down......

In order to have a successful league you must welcome change....if the rules you established doesn't seem to be working.....change them up.....for you newer leagues don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance from a sister league .....don't stop at just one league ask as many as you possibly will find that you are welcomed with open arms.....

In creating your league you must create the rules and the regulations that everyone must being on the many different leagues......they all had a few of the same of them being "exceptions to the rules" now really ladies did you go through all that trouble of creating the rules just so you don't have to follow them....and if so don't be mad when others don't follow them either......remember you as a board member have a responsibility to implement the rules even if you don't agree with them.....your league is going to go through a ton of tests but if you just stick to the rules you will find there will be no lies for anyone to hide behind....if you don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to......

This brings me to a phrase "power trip" don't act like y'all don't know...this includes the players as well as the my eyes this besides jealousy which i think goes hand and hand with power trips is one of the most ugliest things you will have to go through.....if you don't nip it in the bud it will only get worse.....i feel in order to have a successful league everyone should be on the same page....there should be no such thing as sides......if problems should arise and they will......fix them.......fix them together.....if there is a common goal ......everyone has the right to know about them......

Now for the rules and their explanations:

Gulf Coast Rollergirls League Rules and Regulations

Our Mission:
To continually excel in the sport of Roller Derby while enjoying team camaraderie. We also promote forming the bonds of teamwork, dedication and hard work to make our league achieve success and maintain it, while having fun.

Rules and Regulations:

1.) No drugs. Period.Ever. None. No alcohol, or mind altering agents are permitted by skaters, referees. coaches and volunteers at any practice or during any bout. Anyone under the influence at any practice/bout will be asked to remove their gear and leave. (This includes being ejected from the bout.)

2.)Support Support Support...your girls are your girls, they need you as much as you need them.

We usually call this the "talk bunnypellet get hit" rule, as in, you talk bunnypellet about a girl, and your on her team, she's likely to leave you to get taken out, you talk bunnypellet and your on the opposite team, she's liable to take you out, just cause.. so it's advisable not to do so. It's also called being an adult.However, to elaborate a bit more on this, to be disgruntled, and to talk noise to other skaters is gossip mongering and starting drama, it lowers morale on the team, starts drama, and will destroy the camaraderie we have worked so hard to build. It will destroy the "support" we have created..

3.)We are all adults, act like it, You have a problem with somebody, discuss it as adults. If there is still a problem, speak to an officer, he/she will mediate the problem, or there will be an officers meeting to determine the course of action.

This can be a bit confusing as to as an extent, it kind of covers several rules. Obviously it was not well thought out, despite best intentions for the well being of the league. Clearly when you get 35 female skaters together, female refs, female volunteers and staff, and throw in a couple of male refs and a coach for good measure, there is liable to be some headbutting, and some differences of opinion. Going off and making malicious unfounded accusations out of anger, or not discussing it as an adult and just getting mad and making rude commentary without knowing all the facts, is in fact not being adult.We have due process for this.. please utilize it. If you wish to know why a particular action was taken, ask. Don't make assumptions. There is always 2 sides to every story. Usually 3. Conversely, when an action is taken, it is never one officer acting alone. It is a group decision. It is not a dictatorship. No one person is in charge. We always act in the best interest of the league, and many times, decisions made were discussed ad nauseum and were very difficult to make. If there is a conflict of interest on a particular decision on the table, many times, that officer removes herself from the process.

4.)Your life is your own, what you do, say, post or display..reflects on you. You don't answer to us unless you are directly involving us, and a certain amount of couth, tact and decorum is expected from everyone. Derby does not equal trashy.

On my former team, everything I posted, derby or not, on my FB or Myspace was monitored and acted upon. This rule has a bit of gray area. This applies to obtuse commentary. There is not a Tip Toe rule, as in, tip-toe-ing around every rule, stopping short of breaking them, where everybody on the league knows whats going on, but it's not clearly defined whats being done .... but there probably should be.

5.)Always inspect your gear before any practice or bout. Make sure wheels,trucks and stoppers are secure.

We have a new volunteer being trained to be our "skate tech" if you need help, or unsure, please ask, thats what we are here for.

6.)Proper gear will be worn at all times during practice, drills and bouts. If you are new this applies after your obtain gear. This includes knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, mouth guard and helmets. Mouth guards must be worn for all contact and bouting drills. No one will be permitted on the floor during these times without proper gear. IF YOU OWN IT, AND WE KNOW YOU OWN IT,YOU MUST BRING IT AND WEAR IT!!!! If you attend without gear, you will not be allowed on skates. You will be asked to fill a non skating role or go home, this is for everyone's benefit and protection.

I don't care how pretty you are, or how much it costs to have your hair professionally blown out..wear your gear, if you knock your teeth out, you'll be ugly, if you have a massive head unjury and they have to shave your head, ... well you get the point

Lately we have had injured skaters with just their skates on in the non "derby area" just to keep their muscles stretched, not doing anything derby related except gliding. This is fine, however, you MUST contain yourself to being away from the track.

7.) At the end of practice you will pick up after yourself, the rink is open just for our use of the floor. This means tucking in all laces on rental skates, placing them on the counter to be put up,picking up your water bottles and/or trash and discarding of it in the proper place.

The Officers are not your mothers, we are the last to leave the rink, pick up your stuff. stop leaving your wrappers, discarded mouthguards, broken laces, water bottles and the like laying around. We leave our kids at home, we don't come to pick up after other people

8.) You must keep confidential literature, contact information (especially phone information) in a secure place for your viewing purposes only. These items are not meant for public viewing whatsoever, and should not be posted or left where they can be viewed by anyone other than you.

9.)Every new memeber will receive a copy of the WFTDA official rules of the game. We will be learning them together; however, it is ultimately your responsibility to know these rules like second nature. We will give you the first copy, if you lose it you will be required to pay a fee of $5.00 for another copy. Everyone must have a copy so keep it with your gear. We are not going to certify with WFTDA but these are league standard rules that we will follow and learn.

10.) When in public representing the Gulf Coast Rollergirls, you must maintain a certain level of professionalism. This includes but is not limited to, slandering the names of other leagues and teams, sharing our strategies/plays or other confidential information with anyone else,acting in a foul or lewd manner that may be insulting to the general public.

This should also apply to slandering your teammates, causing dissent or lowering morale.That is acting in an unprofessional manner, and in turn, affects the way we interact with each other in the public.

11.)No skater, referee, volunteer, coach or other is to set up any Gulf Coast Rollergirls event, this includes but is not limited to fundraisers,interviews,shows,advertising,special apperances,etc...without first clearing it through the board of officers. There will be no exceptions to this rule. If you you know someone you can see if they are interested, but you may not commit the team to an event without prior authorization. Bring your ideas to the officers.

They make people for this. We have them. They are called our sponsorship people. They also handle charities. We also have a very knowledgeable media rep. DO NOT COMMIT US TO EVENTS BEFORE CLEARING IT WITH US FIRST! Again.. There are no exceptions to this rule! This is nothing personal, but we are all mostly mothers with jobs, lives andschool age kids with activities of their own, committing us to something without prior notice is not likely to get a positive response, and a poor turnout, It is unavoidable. Derby is on a volunteer basis, family and real life always takes precedence.

12.) Most importantly, have fun, abide by the rules and work together as a team. Together we make up a team, separate we are just skaters. Let's keep everything copacetic. We are all here for a common purpose. Some of us may skate better than others, may be in better shape than others, but no one of us is any more important than the other. Do not prejudge, because you do not know what kind of battle is being fought outside the rink that you do not see. This is our getaway/release. You will be spending alot of time with your new derby sisters, treat them as you wish to be treated.

This is pretty self explanatory


1.) All Rollergirl practices are closed to the public; this includes your friends and spouses. If your spouse is assisting in practices in any way they are permitted to attend. If you have trouble arranging child care for practice let us know we have some sitters that we can recommend, but they do require notice and could also be booked.

We have been lenient to an extent, we have issues in the past, we have asked husbands to leave, at least 4 others. It is nothing personal, but when you have a group of women who may be self conscious on their skates and trying to build self confidence, having a group of men there is not kosher. In every other derby league, this is typically a league standard rule. Imagine if you had every single skaters husband there, we have 35 on the roster, screaming and cheering for their wife. Chaos. Pure Chaos.It is distracting and unproductive.
In regards to children- for most of us, this is our getaway, our me time. We leave our kids home with their dads. In the past, we have asked that small children be left at home due to their uncontrollable nature and safety concerns with skaters coming off the skate floor.Older children typically we do not have a problem with, as they usually stay quiet and keep to themselves. However, we very rarely have children there period, it is a rare occurrence and of no consequence. It has never been an issue addressed until today. We sometimes have children dropped off after dance and quickly picked up, but nobody is ever left to wander. Extended family members shall now fall under the same rule as friends and spouses. I am sorry. These are the rules, Closed practices mean just that. CLOSED!

EDITED TO ADD: If your husband has been asked to ref, and declines, and has not, at any time gone thru the required orientation process, then he is NOT part of the staff. He is just a husband who falls under this rule. Again, Rules are in place for a reason

2.) You have 10 minutes from the time you enter the building to gear up and be on the floor ready to practice.

This will now be enforced stringently

3.)We are here to practice, you can visit on your own time, not during practice. When practice is in session you are required to listen to the instructions given. Courtesy states, only one person talks at a time and that will usually be the coach.

Courtesy states, only one person talks at a time and that will usually be the coach. Number2 reason why practices are closed. Sideline coaches. Please see above rule #1...We have been lenient to an extent, we have issues in the past, we have asked husbands to leave, at least 4 others. It is nothing personal, but when you have a group of women who may be self conscious on their skates and trying to build self confidence, having a group of men there is not kosher. In every other derby league, this is typically a league standard rule. Imagine if you had every single skaters husband there, we have 35 on the roster, screaming and cheering for their wife. Chaos. Pure Chaos.It is distracting and unproductive. If we have to have more than one conversation about this, that's too many, and to have Officer's field calls all day, is unproductive when we need to be focused on other things derby related. you signed the rules, the rules were read to you, you have been informed

4.)Cell Phones:No texting, No Phone Calls during practice.

Emergencies are obviously excluded

5.)Water breaks are scheduled during practice. Please wait for them to leave the floor.

Use common sense, don't get overheated, just don't make it one long water break and very little skating.

6.) Endurance training is not an option,if we want to win, we need to work on endurance more than just at practice.It is a sure thing the other teams are building endurance on their own time.


7.)Practice is over when the coach says it's over (normally 9:30)

We have girls who leave for work..that's fine..just don't wander off the floor, casually start unpadding at 9:10 and stay to BS until well after practice is over

8.)Attendance will be tracked. Your regular attendance of practice sessions coupled with skills will determine your eligibility to be placed on the roster for bouts/scrimmages.

Don't miss practice, or not take care of yourself,then complain about your performance as if it is the staff's fault..the only person responsible for your success or failure, is you. This isn't a skate club, this is derby..and most of us are serious about it.

I'm way too tired to process any of this, but conflict really isn't fun or productive when its not a sport and sometimes it just takes a LOT of tolerance.

If someone is approached in a positive manner, they will WANT to respect the rules, but if its a clash of wills, they'll 'test' the rules and the whole situation becomes needlessly competitive and destructive.

Rules shouldn't be enforced for the sake of enforcement, life's too short. Really consider exactly how much of a real and immediate problem it caused for multiple people and assess it with a clear head.

If you can be flexible, be flexible -- and there's always room for flexibility. And Compromise. Capital 'C'.

Try mediation. A third party and cool off periods can keep a bad day from getting worse.

Save the adrenaline for the skates.

sas :twocents:
Rules are rules. If you sign up and break them, you deserve what's coming to you. These rules are crystal clear. If someone doesn't understand, they should ask before they sign. This is pretty basic stuff people, don't be an idiot.

I can tell right now that I wouldn't be able to join your team because I'm a huge violent drama monger. SIMPLE.

What is wrong with people?
:hug2:mydaughter dances with an ADFP group, my son is in a basketball team. both of these groups have rules which have to be abided by. the dance ones are quite strict and, at a recent competition, it was again pointed out that some were flouting them. everyone has a rulebook - which is very clear. i do think continued protestations of ignorance are no excuse. if you agree to participate then you should be aware of the rules. if you are unsure - ask!

both sports have rules for a reason of which participants are regularly reminded. those who continue to flout them are asked to leave.

i feel for you - if you have continuously given the skater chances and they havent changed their ways, there is no more you can do. given the nature of your sport someone who wont abide by the rules is a danger to all involved.:)
One of the unfortunate things about having friends within an organization is this simple fact: Business often causes problems with mixed with friendship. It is always lame to have to let a person go that you or your team mates liked, but when you join that group, you are agreeing to abide by them of be punished. They are there for a reason, and abuse of them only hinders the performance of the entire group.

For example, within the band I am in, we used to have myself, my friend Josh, and his cousin AND his girlfriend. Needless to say, when the girlfriend and cousin were not cutting it musically, it really damaged them as a family to have to part. They were bitter for awhile, but time slowly mended the wound and the cousins are just as close as ever. Him and the girlfriend as still in contact, but no longer dating. It was a painful process for the band as a whole, but in the long run, we all grew from the damaged, and have become better than we ever were.

I do hope the insight helped. BTW, I don't remember if I mentioned before (I might have) but I worked with the ref for the Nashville roller girls. He introduced me to a lot of it, and it is quite the event I must say. I do believe I remember telling you awhile back that his stage name was Master Bates, as his last name is Bates. It's always good to turn a highschool lifetime of jokes into something positive no? XD

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