Cage shyness?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
My girl... 1 and half year old lionhead. HATES being out of her cage, while in my past all my rabbits literally tried to bite through their cages, and break free. Im assuming its a territorial thing, but she dosent mind me coming in to visit.

I leave the cage door open, frequently. Everyday basically. and she just sits in the same spot everyday, or gets out to chew a toy, get hay, food or water. But other then that, she isnt very active. I dont think its a health issue at all, but a behavioral thing.

Sometimes.. ill leave it open, and she comes out for abut four footsteps, and i get all excited... then she see's me look at her, and ZOOM back in she goes, faster then light itself. I know she isnt scared of me, when i walk in, she runs to the cage to greet me... and i often give her a treat when i first get home so she will be a suck cause i think its cute.

You think its because shes "intact" that shes so .. shy to come out, anyone else ever experience this? im not worried about it, but id like her to get some exercise... only exercise she gets is chewing thing sorta and jumping from the top to bottm floor. Ive never seen her binky ever, or run around or anything. I took her in from someone else tho, perhaps they kept her caged alot... and shes just grown thinking its the right thing to do =/
I'm guessing she feels safest in her cage. Have you tried offering her a tunnel or cardboard box or something outside of her cage that she can hide in?
Yeah, just outside of her cage, is a blue castle with only one entrance, and also a home madebox tunnel. not to far.

Shes basically just been sitting in her "bed" box for the last couple weeks, does an occiasonal "dig" against the plastic, jumps out grabs some hay, food, and drink.

Also.. weird enough, i think she LITTERALLY, gets active when i lay down for bed, but i close the entrances out off by then. Like literally when i turn the light out, and sleep (she cant see me well from the cage) she runs right down to her play pen area.

I only think this, because i wake up and the cardboard rolls i put down there, are very demolished by the morning :p
Maybe she's shy and doesn't want to be looked at while she comes out? My bird was like that when I first got him - he wasn't scared of me, wanted to play with me in his cage, but he wouldn't come out unless I "hid" from him around the corner. Also had a dog like that when it came to coming out of the yard at all, she would take two steps, look around, see me and jet back in her yard even though I was asking her to come out!

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