Bunny wetting the bed!

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Active Member
Jul 21, 2010
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine, USA
I have just recently been allowing my bunny, Sophie to get on my bed. She has always had free range of the apartment but the bed is a new thing for her. She likes to snuggle in the blankets but... she has been peeing on me and on the side of the bed that I sleep on every night! I want to continue to allow her to be in the bed but I can't have her peeing on me and my bedding every night!

Has anyone else had this issue??? Any advice??? :?
Advice: Don't let her on the bed.

Rabbits can be trained to do something, but they are often difficult to train not to do something, especially after they've become accustomed to it. Just be preventative in the situation and not let her on the bed. If you want to cuddle with her, it's best to move down to her level and stay on the floor. :)
That is what I was afraid of... I like having her on the bed because she does cuddle with me. She isn't overly affectionate otherwise. She will let me pet her on the floor but she hates to be picked up :(
So, I kind have had this problem with 2 of my rabbits.

They are allowed on the bed, but they would pee sometimes.
It was while I was there supervising. I did exactly what I would do to a dog. Say "No" and take them off the bed and not let them up on the bed for the rest of the day.

Did it work? Well, one of them passed, but the other has not peed on the bed since. It only took about 4 times (In which I also layed down protectors)
I am going to give it a few more tries before I kick her out of the bed all together. I think the biggest problem is letting her up there while I am sleeping. I can't monitor, or correct behaviors...

Thanks for giving me a little hope, Myia :)
Do you have any other pets or people up on the bed? Usually it's just a temp thing to establish territory and only lasts a month or so.

When Pipp went through puberty, she was pooping and peeing on the bed constantly. I put a litter box up there (yes, I'm quite willing to sleep curled up next to a litter box if it makes my bunny happy, LOL!), and eventually moved it onto the floor and she just kept using it.

Several of my other buns will only poop/pee on the couch if a stranger has sat on it or another bunny left a mark. That also didn't (doesn't) last too long. I had to keep it covered for a bit but after a few weeks, they were over it.


sas :bunnydance:

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