Bunny support group....For those who have been "invaded"

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Oh no... I don't take well to sharing. One time the fuzzy dog tried to take my chewing block and I tried to beat him up for it. Mom made me stop, but I think he deserved it.
is not so bad having other bunn. you can use it as a pillow and tell it what to do and teach it tricks and makes it groom you whenevr you want! ~Nala
Ranger here: we share life with the oddest creatures! There's a bullmastiff, (but he's not allowed anywhere near us) and little yappy white dog who gives us kisses, and Pepper (my daughter) loves to chase him around because he gets scared of her! :) Then, we have my two daughters, Taz and Pepper, my first bunny-wife (Quinny, RIP)'s sister, Cocoa, and a pretty agouti girl named Pockets. Next spring, Pockets will be my new wife!
I have to share my home with 2 ferrets they smell PU. They jump all over the furniture and sometimes when my kid comes to bed, he's smelly too.
Dere are two goggies here. One was barking at me and it was really scary! But my mommies always put dis ting called a "bebe gate" up when my mommies take me out of my cage so that de goggies can't get me!

De one dat was barking though stares at me.. It's so scary!
Cadbury here, Weez invaded wif tats here too!! Our hoomuns haf two of dem. One is a big fat grey one dey call Sir Winston. He talks funny goin Mow mow mow alls de times. He also is always cross. But wez don't mind him too much, he don't bover us, and sleeps alot. Da other one, he is strange, my hoomun says he is inbred, what ever dat is. He tries to jump from things and misses and falls off things and attacks the floor wif nothing there...strange tat. He is Orange and his name is Bumblebee. He don't look like no bee if you ask me. He is terrified I me and Baloo.. hehehe. Baloo ignores him when we are inside, but not me. I like to chase him en git him. When he sees me, he jumps way up in the air and runs away. Then I chase him:) ... Momma says Iz an evil bun bun :devil
I got to hop to da baffroom the otter day, and it was open! No sign of another aminal anywhere, so I think i'm de only one again! Whole place smelled like dat bottle of "N-zime"? stuff that mommy tells me not to nom on. It has piktur of me on it though! Now if only I could get dem to let me hops around whole place all de time. They say I can't becuz there are nommy cords all ober the place, but I say that's haff the fun!

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