Bunny stuffs

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Active Member
Sep 3, 2004
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West coast, , USA
Hello everbody, I need some advice.

Where is the best place online toget a list of all the stuff a beginning bunny owner needs?It's not food I need to know about, that will be supplied.It's the other stuff; medications to keep on hand, groomingnecessities, etc. I would appreciate any help you guys couldfling my way.

Also, is cat hairball medication really safe to use on bunnies?
Cinnibun wrote:

Where is the best place online toget a list of all the stuff a beginning bunny owner needs?... the otherstuff; medications to keep on hand, grooming necessities,etc....

Also, is cat hairball medication really safe to use on bunnies?

One good source ishttp://www.bassequipment.com/or simply click on the icon at the top of the frame here.

I feed our rabbits dried papaya/pineapple for preventive treatment offur block. Cannot speak for the efficacy of cat hairballmedication.


No, both my bunnies loooove the malt flavoredhairball treatment, and they've never had a hairball or any sideeffects from the medicine.
We haven't needed hairball stuff yet and ours are7 and 3 months old. Henry doesn't like sweet tastes so I'mnot sure he'd like pineapple, etc.

Always have something for them to chew and a couple of toys for them toplay with in the hutch. It keeps them from gettingbored. Max has a great time throwing hers in the air andpushing it into her food bowl. We have a soft bristle brushmade for rabbits just to give them a bit of a comb, they also like thefeeling... well Henry tries toeat it more often thannot. Things that hang from the ceiling of their hutches arealso good... you can pick up toys like this in a pet shopprobably. Hope that's of some help to you!
Thanks forallthe help. =) Sheesh! I guessI'll need more toys! Ones that hang from the cagetop. :3

Because all the groups online that I have foundare pretty evenly divided between dried fruit andthecommercial hair ball medication,I think I'll letmy breeder have the last word. (I can't seem to find papayapellets anyway.)

Whoopee! Only a couple of weeks to go and I'll be an official bun lover!
Papaya pellets are easy to find at your local Walmart (seems like everyone has one of those these days)

They are in the vitamin shelf =) My buns LOVE them. I just have to get the bottle and they come running!
Really? And to thinkthat I scoured every pet and feed store in the area!;D I'll have to go check that out. You wouldn'thappen to know the dosage per bun per week etc. would you?
Cinnibun wrote:
Really? And to think that I scouredevery pet and feed store in the area! ;D I'll haveto go check that out. You wouldn't happen to know the dosageper bun per week etc. would you?
Wal*Martabout $2.99 per bottle. Used to give one or two perweek. Some buns won't eat them, others will. Mayhave to grind up and put powder on a piece of fruit.

Pft... yeah, I cantestify to what Buck said about some buns not liking Papaya.I guess Umbra is like his owner; he doesn't like it and niether doI. However, we do both like Pineapple.

Anyway, good luck with your new rabbitwhen you get it! Did you already pick one out? Orare you planning on it?

--Melissa and Umbra
Buck Jones wrote:
Wal*Martabout $2.99 per bottle. Used to give oneor two per week. Some buns won't eat them, otherswill. May have to grind up and put powder on a piece of fruit.

One or two tablets depending on the size of the bunnyI'm guessing. Mean's I'll have to break one inhalf! While on the subject of dosage and while I through inone more tangent, does anybody know about giving your bun Vitamin E gelcapsules for when theyeat something they shouldn't?

StickyBird: I already have the bunny reserved and willpick her up in about two weeks. Until then I won't be able tothink about anything else! I'm goingbunnycrazyand I've never even had one before.Arg!
Hehe, I know how you feel Cinnibun.Although I have two wait a whole nother 2 weeks that you XD The worstpart of it is I have been planning on getting buns for 4 years now, soI am overly excited about it, lol.


You only have me by one year ofwaiting SLRabbits! I can't have more than one bunny for thetime being, but I'm not going to complain. :p Iguess it's a good thing. I read somewhere online that bunniesare better as only pets if you want them to interact with youalot.

All I have to do now is stay away from the SPCAwebsites! I found alop in a shelter namedCinnabun.Thank goodness she was half way across theUS or I would have had to go get her! :)
bunsforlife wrote:
Papaya pellets are easy to find at your local Walmart (seemslike everyone has one of those these days)

They are in the vitamin shelf =) My buns LOVE them. I just have to get the bottle and they come running!
OK...Vitamin shelf as in human vitamins, like with the "Centrum Silver"and things like that? I'm having the same problem with thehairbal stuff like pineapple and such! Jeez Loo Eeez!

Yup! with the human vitamins =) Papayais really good for people too! I started adding the tabs tomy diet as I have some bowel problems myself.

The Walmart brand has a center ridge in the pill so you can break iteasier. Hopefully your bun will like them, some dont, butmine sure do!

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