Bunny removes hay from areas he relaxes

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Jun 16, 2011
Reaction score
perth, , Australia
Signed up in hope this forum will help me care for my bunnys.

My white dwarf who is 4 months old has a strange habbit. If you clean out his hutch and put a fresh batch of hay down he will remove hay from an area until it reveals the cage floor. He seems to relax in this spot sometimes. It's a 2 story hutch and he hates having hay upstairs on the wood floor, he just brings it down stairs. It's just a bit bizzar. My other black rabbit doesnt move his hay around.
My bunners do the same, making a nice cool spot on the flooring to relax. LOL, if I go in and try to put it back I get a what for form them. They will push my hand away like, Hey! leave it how I like it please!
I'm a clueless rabbit newbie, but my Cadbury is also the same way. At first I was putting some sort of fluffy paper bedding in his cage and he wasn't having any of that lol He'd push it all in to one corner and then flop down on the bare floor He also only likes his hay right under food dish or he'll start throwing things around.

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