Bunny Poop

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New Member
Feb 19, 2014
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My bunny poops mushy poop every morning. Is that a problem?

I'm a little worried because it has been happening for a while already but I haven't changed her diet at all. She is 8 months. I feed her timothy hay and pellets on the daily, as well.

She acts normal too so does anyone have a similar problem or any advice for me?
The first step is to determine whether what you're seeing is cecotropes that aren't being eaten or actual mushy fecal poops.

Please check out this wonderful site on poop (yeah, I know, words you never thought you'd hear before you owned a bunny, lol) and let us know what picture/issue most closely matches what you're seeing - from there, we'll be able to help you work on figuring out the cause of her poop issues :).
I had the exact same problem recently and because of poor vet recommendations I did everything from antibiotics to hay changes to diet food and so on to correct it without any result. Then my wonderful rabbit savvy local pet shop owner told me to simply give him this hydrating, electrolyte powder (I can't remember the name but it's a pet version of dioralyte and is a white powder for hydrating). This is a harmless powder that goes in their water and hydrates them very well and it doesn't cure diarrhoea but it improves their digestive conditions enough so that it gets the chance to overcome and fix itself. After one day of drinking the electrolyte water, his droppings went back to normal and have been normal since.

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