Bunny poop - are all poops the same size?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Stupid question I know, but does a bigger rabbit make bigger poops? Our 10 month old seems to make bigger poops than our 10 week old. However when we first got Popcorn, his poops were super mini - when he was started on hay & better pellets, his poops got bigger. So would poop from a flemish be bigger than those of a netherland?

Anyone got poos with a size reference?

Not a lunch time subject is it?
This is a crappy question. Our Checkered Giant drops the largest in size of all our rabbits and our mini drops ones about a fifth that size--so, yes, size does matter. We had a little male mini that used to not follow that equation so much as his were the largest of all at that time even though we had rabbits that were twice as big. Still think this is a crappy subject!
My small lionhead's poos are just under 1/2" - does diet matter too?

I thought because Popcorn was eating only low quality pellets with no hay his pellets were smaller
Got pictures? At least the subject doensn't stink!
The size of the rabbit as well as diet does affect the poops. Bigger rabbits do have bigger poops, but not usually really huge compared to smaller breeds. A 10 pound rabbits poop is not going to be 5 times bigger than a 2 pound rabbits.
Rabbits who eat lots of hay can also have bigger poops. They also tend to be lighter in colour and less dense than rabbits that eat less and and more pellets.
Korr_and_Sophie wrote:
Rabbits who eat lots of hay can also have bigger poops. They also tend to be lighter in colour and less dense than rabbits that eat less and and more pellets.

I was wondering about this too since Peaches eats lots of hay & he gets a small amount of pellets each day, when he munches on his regular poop sometimes, it's very airy & fluffy almost. Popcorn who gets more pellets since he's still a baby eats hay but not like Peaches does, his poops are more condensed I guess.
My Dutch, Himalayan, and Tan have normal bunny poops -- my English spot's poops are a bit larger, and my Brittania Petites have smaller poops. Just in my experience.

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