Bunny found easter egg that my kids weren't able to :(

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Mar 30, 2005
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Hey there,

I came across this website after searching for rabbit forums because I had a question for the rabbit experts.

I came home today to find that my bunny had found a chocolate egg thatI had bought and hid for my kids for Easter. Half of thealuminum covering was eaten along with half of the chocolateegg. (It is one of those small eggs that are very common forEaster)

I am assuming that the aluminum foil is probably not at all good for mybunny and am wondering if I should do anything to help him digest it.

Thanks and awaiting your reply,

Thanks very much...good to hear..

Also, lately (a couple weeks now) I have been finding that my bunny hasbeen having diarrhea on and off. Last night I found some justoutside his litter box and today in one of the spots he likes to layin. What could be the cause of this?

He is 4 or 5 years old, cant remember for sure but I believe it is 5,and I haven't made any major change in his diet for a month ortwo. I tend to give him 5 or 6 baby carrotswhen Iget home from work and he will eat a couple and finish the rest offlater. He also has water and pellets readily available at alltimes...(he roams the house freely). I give him snacks everyonce in a while such as cheerios or a snack that I get from the petstore, and he loves them.

If anyone has any suggestions that would be great, as I am sure this diarrhea cannot be good for the bunny.



4-5 baby carrots isa lot. If your rabbit has been having that many for a long time hissystem may be used to it but typically speaking that's not good for abunny. It's possible that it may be catching up to him. I'd suggestlaying off of them for a while and see what happens. I'd also suggestyou consider introducing hay to his diet, but that's a personal opinionas it is controversial. You might want to further investigate thematter here on the forum. Good Luck!

pamnock wrote:
Keep an eye on him, but the foil should pass through without incident.



Does chocolate have any adverse effects on bunnies?


Welcome Aboard, Sweetym4,

Too many carrots,I'd suspect. I'd stop the carrots- except in moderation - one a day. Givehim unlimited timothy hay - especially since you wanttokeephis systemmoving for thefoil. Besides it will help dry up thediarrehea. When a rabbit has diarrehea, it's at a seriousrisk of becoming dehydrated, and dehydration can quickly befatal.

Make sure he drinks a lot while he's having these troubles with theruns. When my rabbit has run into those troubles, I'll give them asyringe (1 cc. full) of Pedialyte if I think they're notdrinking.

If you have any NutriCal, give him an inch of it. If not, youmight want to invest in some as it helps them go to the bathroom incase of a problem, it boosts their immune system, if they go off theirfeed, they have the nutritional values that they need until back ontrack, and it stimulates their appetite.

Thanks very much for the replies everyone and I will try to do the things everyone has said.

If eaten in great enough quantities, chocolatecan indeed have adverse effects. The biggest problem is the caffeine inchocolate, which as you can imagine, is hard on a rabbit's alreadyrapid heartrate.

Also, it can cause intestinal issues...I'm blanking out now onwhat exactly, but I think it causes diarrhea...I'll have to godouble check...

Anyway, the same thing happened to me, so I did a little research then:


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