Bunny Favorites?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
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, Maine, USA
Does anyone have 'favorites' with their bunnies? 'Heart bunnies' as they're sometimes referred to as? I don't know why, but I CANNOT have a "favorite" with my bunnies! I'll feel really bad over it, and I always want to make sure all the bunnies are treated the same, even when I give veggies, I always make sure they each have the same amount :) anyone else have this problem??
Hahaha yup. I fought admitting it for the longest time but Agnes is my fave for sure. I don't tell Archie, haha, and it's not like I treat Archie any differently, but there's no question she's my favorite.
I don't have a favorite with my 2 boys!! I cuddle, groom, and give them treats all equally!!! they both have personality and behavior that I love and hate!!! haha!!!
I have three and I love them all but I always feel that if I had to choose a favourite, Houdini would be the one. I suppose they are all so different that I love different things about them, Snowy is my cuddle bun, he loves cuddles and kisses and Bandy is my furball, he´s getting so good with his grooming now and he´s just such a softy with his Lamb Chop face. But Houdini is Houdini, he´s the one who tries my patience, drives me nuts but amazes me with how smart he is. He also surprises me sometimes with his show of affection when you least expect it.
As the mother of four children...they are unique...I love them all dearly, but I love them differently...that is not to say I love any one of them more or less than the other...just different! That is how I feel about my animals as well! We have a menagerie and each animal is loved but each one is different! We have goats, horses, chickens, a dog, a cat, rats, and 4 bunnies...our bunnies are probably loved the most differently! One of our bunnies was a "rescue" of sorts and she does not really like to be held except by my daughter. While another bunny we got as a baby...she is bigger in size (for a Holland) and also does not like to be held...however she LOVES to be patted...and the other two are attention "hounds" and love to be held, patted and made over! So although we love all our bunnies...their differences and likes and dislike require different treatment. I will say, having loved and lost several bunnies and other animals alike...some just find those special places in your heart.
Out of the 2 that I have now Shiny Things is my favorite by FAR. She is really friendly, not picky, playful and just all around good bunny. Beauty is the opposite. My dogs killed my heart bunny Tiger (RIP) a couple of years ago though. I think of her every day still.
I'll get back to this when I have another. Conan is not my heart bunny, or rather I should say I'm not his heart human, not for lack of trying. But I love him quite a chockfull, especially if you knew me you would know how much I rant against pets and their poop and how the name "pet" is such a misnomer since we are definitly owned by them and not the other way around.
Sorry to hear about Tiger, Lauren :(

I agree with you guys, I love my rabbits for different reasons, but I'm starting to think that Ruby, my sweet ND is becoming my heart bunny :) Of course, I wouldn't want that to lead to me treating her better than the others...Maybe I'm just 'over-analyzing' this! :)
I treat all my buns exactly the same, they all they the same amount if cuddles, food, attention. But I must admit Alice and Bella are my favourite bunnies. Alice was my first ever bun so I have a great bond with her and she loves her head runs and Bella is just an all round good bun that will do anything for a cuddle with me and gives me kisses :) because they're more cuddly than the others that's probably the reason why they're more my favourites as Bonnie and Casey don't really cuddle and Buckley can be a big grump when he wants to be and will bite, but I treat them all the same.
Same with me, because Ruby really likes to cuddle, whereas Taz DOES NOT. Cocoa and Pockets are both extremely sweet (I think Pockets is queen of nosebonks :) ) but neither like to be held.
They all have little quirks that are just so cute, but our first, Commander Bun-Bun was the one who got us started rescuing and she was one unique crabby little rabbit.
I have 3, and I find it hard to have a "fav" Kody my male dwarf is cute and funny, Freeze my female blue eyed white dwarf she doesn't like to be bothered and Tebow my newest holland lop is friendly and wants to be on top of me every min. but its STILL hard to pick a fav =)
Yes, my Rory is definitely my heart bunny. I can't help it! I love ALL of my bunnies and treat them the same, but it's absolutely undeniable that I love him the most. I don't have a second favorite or third favorite or anything, though.

For me, I'm certain that Rory is my favorite simply because of circumstances and not really because he's objectively more special or better or anything. We adopted him in October of 2007. He was my first bunny since my childhood bunny (Cinnabun) had died several years earlier. I had several months to bond and fall deeply in love with Rory before we adopted little Tallulah in early January 2008, so just a little while later. She was so cute and sweet and I fell for her very quickly. Within a month or two, I loved her just as deeply as Rory and Cinnabun. No more than them, no less. Then she died in May of 2008 at just 7 months old and her death changed everything for me when it comes to bonding with and loving pets. She was so young when she died (Cinnabun died at 7 years and had led a full, happy life) and I was devastated. I simply haven't been able to love any other bunny (or cat or bird, not even the bird that I raised from an egg) anywhere near the same since she died, I think as a method of protecting my heart. My love for Cinnabun, Rory, and Tallulah is/was all encompassing and so very deep.

My other bunnies came along after Tallulah's death and I'm certain that's the only reason I'm not as deeply in love with them. If she hadn't died the way she did, I'm sure things would be different. I wonder if I'll ever love another pet as much as my first 3 bunnies. And like I said, don't get me wrong, I DO love my other bunnies- absolutely and unquestionably- it's just not the same, which honestly may be for the best and healthier. My husband dreads the day Rory dies because we both know I will be utterly inconsolable for a long time. Tallulah died almost 5 years ago and I still tear up when I think about her. 2 more of my bunnies have died since- the wonderful Skyler and Nomi- but she is the one I'm still mourning, though of course I certainly miss Skyler and Nomi a lot, too. The fact that Rory will be 6 years old in a few months is very distressing to me because I can't bear to think of him getting old and dying. The earlier birthdays were all about fun and celebrating another year, but now they're scary (though he still gets a present and cake and special bunny treat for his birthday).

Let me reiterate once more that all of my bunnies are loved and spoiled very much, I'm crazy about them all and think they're all amazing, and Rory does not get more attention or anything than the others!
I cant pick a favorite of marci and stanley.
Stanley i feel like i owe more to him beacause when i got him i was a very un educated bunny owner, But he hates being held, or pet.
Marci is much more friendly and super sweet, But i think stan will always be special to me beacause he is the reason im into rabbits now and why its so importaint to me that he is taken care of well...

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