Bunnies SPRING into Spring!

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Aww thanks you guys!! :D

The pens I have are 26 grids long, and 2 high. They are supervised the whole time because although we don't have a lot of predators around, it's not predator proofed at all. I've used slightly smalled which was alright, and some of you may have seen the one I had that was twice the amount of grids last summer- that was when all 4 bunnies were bonded and it took up pretty much all of the garden. Obviously since the 'divorce' I can't do that anymore, but they still have plenty of space. I put cardboard boxes and tunnels in there as well for them to play in, a bowl of water, any pellets that they leave over from breakfast and hey presto! Bunnies are set for a day!

Oh, and they hate coming inside as well. Look at Dotty's face when her playtime was up!

'Nooooooooo! Don't take me iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn!!!'


All of your bunnies are just precious! I bet Dotty sounds like a galloping horse out there! That's so cute that you can "cue the binkies" by putting them outside! I love all of the pictures! This was my favorite:

She has the same look a toddler has when you take them home from the playground! I laughed for at least two minutes after seeing this!


NZminilops wrote:
Awesome pictures, especially of Snowy. She is one of the best looking bunnies I know of. I long to cuddle a little rew lop like her :).

I long to cuddle Snowy too as well, lol. She is NOT the cuddly type! Except when she's at the vets or when she's sick, like on Friday night. I currently have a 6inch long scratch on my arm with a little bruise at the end from where she kicked me. I have to throw a towel over her to pick her up and put her in the garden!

Kelly, I know! And each way Steve turned, she would look over the other shoulder desperately, like 'Mummy! Tell him! I don't wanna go!'

She does gallop a lot. I was just watching them and thinking that her binkies look so different to the others lol- I guess just 'bigger'! The neighbours haven't seen her yet. I can't wait for them to come and get their washing in and see her! :biggrin2:
They all look SO happy! Dotty seems to really enjoy being outside.... wonder if she's ever been let out other than now with you?

Mouse cracks me up..... she's so SERIOUS about her racing!

And here's Mouse, rounding turn two...... ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



If you like them, you'll LOVE this one!!

Firstly, a Dotter binky that I caught earlier, although she is VERY good at doing them when I turn away for a second lol:


But now, the BIGGEST binky I have EVER seen Barney do! I'm hoping the neighbours weren't looking out the window for this one because they would have seen me jumping and shouting 'YES!' and laughing hysterically after I took this picture:


Beautiful pictures Jen.

I'm so jealous, my guys are too lazy to Binky. Maybe when i set up a run for them in the summer they will do them.

Susan, my guys binky a bit indoors, but nothing like when they're outside! I think the grass gives them a lot more traction, but also they just always seem so happy to be out there! They like to snooze in the sun a lot too :)

In fact, here I go adding more pictures lol. Here is Dotty relaxing in the sun in the tunnel that's just a bit too small for her! :p


HA! I love the Dotty pics. They made me LOL! I actually dreamed that Dotty was my bunny last night--how weird is that? I guess even my sub-conscious is jealous!
tonyshuman wrote:
HA! I love the Dotty pics. They made me LOL! I actually dreamed that Dotty was my bunny last night--how weird is that? I guess even my sub-conscious is jealous!



That's a scary dream! I don't like that dream! :p

*runs to lock Dotty's baby gate*
Elf Mommy wrote:
I sent some of your photos to my aunt (the one with the baby doxie). You've inspired her in creating her own running area for Maddie. :D
Aww YAY! I am glad that the bunny pens are inspiring! :D

I really can't wait until we can get a 3rd then I don't have to rotate bunnies- I feel bad when I have to swap them over!
Dotty is absolutely precious and hilarious! I love how big bunnies think they are small LOL!

mouse_chalk wrote:
Here is Dotty relaxing in the sun in the tunnel that's just a bit too small for her! :p

The weather really has been lovely here lately all my bunnies have been out every day too its lovely watching them binky everywhere! :pinkelepht:
Your bunnies looked like they were having a super time; that picture of Dotty when Steve was taking her in is priceless -LOL! :upsidedown:

And Steve - You're right Mouse does look like shes flying! One word- WOW :laugh:
Well, I have to say that I love your Dotty girl and following her story of recovery after her spay surgery, but these pictures of Barney and his biggest binky in the whole wide world has just made me smile. I can't stop giggling and thinking about that binky! Totally awesome that you caught that on film!

What a good bunny mom you are!!! :D

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