Bunnies fighting?

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May 3, 2017
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We bought two bunnies a few weeks ago, one a week later than the other. Both believed to be females. They really liked each other, always laying their head under one another and grooming each other, always together. Today, the younger bunny wouldn't really come out the cage, but my older bunny seemed to be normal. Later on I checked on them, they're hopping around dodging each other and chasing each other, some fur was loose and my older one seems to have blood on him. They are currently seperated right now, is this normal? Do bunnies break out into fights? Or should I permanently keep them seperated? Thanks
First off you need to check both rabbits over thoroughly, including up under their bellies to find out where the blood came from and make sure there isn't a wound that requires vet care.

I'm presuming neither rabbit is spayed/neutered? If not then yes, you need to keep them separated until you are able to get both spayed/neutered, wait at least a month for hormones to die down, then you can attempt to rebond them. I would suggest reading up on rabbit bonding prior to attempting it, as it can be quite a complicated process which you need to be very cautious about in case they attempt to fight again as you don't want any serious injuries to occur, and serious injuries can happen in a matter of seconds.

Rebonding may not even be possible if the rabbits still won't get along at that point. Not all rabbits get along. Two females can be an especially difficult bond to attempt. The best is a spayed/neutered male and female pairing, but then it really does depend on individual personalities. Some rabbits just plain don't like each other.

In the meantime it would be good to recheck the sexes of your rabbits. If you have trouble doing it I would suggest booking a checkup with a rabbit savvy vet to get a health check for them and to sex them . It's possible one of your rabbits is a male and if the female is over 4 months old, it's possible she is pregnant now and babies will be on their way in another month.