bun is pregant...what to do??

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2008
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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
my 4 month old bun is pregnant, and she startedpulling out her fur fora nest a about 2 weeks ago (?), but stopped after a few days. i tried putting a box in there for her, but she just had fun chewing it up haha. there's a towel in her cage that she likes to lay on though. so i was wondering how i could help her prepare for her babies AND is there something wrong that she's not building her nest anymore? i know there's a chance she thinks she's pregnant and really isn't, but she got really wide really fast, so i'm thinking she is pregnant. she also gets really tired easily.
If my does start pulling fur two weeks early, it's almost always a false pregnancy. And yes, they can gain weight and even have milk. When was she with a buck? Gestation is 31 days. Did you calculate a due date?

Leave the nest box in just in case. But if she doesn't have anything within 35 days of being withthe buck, take it away and clean up her nestings. If she doesn't lose some of the weight, increase her hay and you may have to cut back on her pellets.

4 months is a little young to be breeding any doe. I'd wait a bit before allowing her to breed again.
Sounds like a false pregnancy to me too. Like Blue Giants said, you would be amazed how real it can look. Was this pregnancy planned or an accident?
well, it was an accident. she was in the cage with her brother, which were both supposed to be females, but found out in the forum that her brother was a boy. when i split them up, that's when she started making her nest. so i could have been anytime. but just recently she started gaining alot of weight and doesn't like when i touch her belly. and the vet said she could get pregnant at 3 months. so...what do you guys think?
I would be cautious until 35 days after the date you seperated them.

Chances are she did have a false pregnancy and she's not pregnant. But sometimes they can fool us, so be extra vigilent until you can be 100% safe.

Yes it is possible for a girl to become pregnant at 3 months, but it is very uncommon. Most girls take a little extra time to allow their reproductive organs to completely mature before being able to get pregnant. Her chances of being pregnant at 3 monts are much lower than if she was 6 months (99% at that time).

How long has it been since you separated them?

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