Bugs Bunny

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Bailey ❤️

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2019
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Our sweet sunshine bunny, Hazel, is housed in a bunny condo on our lanai. We live in Hawaii, so the weather is amazing, mostly 70-80 degrees, and at night maybe 55-60 degrees if that.

Our lanai is bunny-proofed and enclosed. She has full run of it with open bunny condo for about 8-9 hours a day so she can do bunny 500 spins in her playpen and run through her tunnel at her heart’s content. At night, we keep her condo all secured.

She’s a purebred Lop, 12 weeks old, and grooms herself incessantly, like a cat. I let her out every morning to clean her little condo and restock food and water. She is given Timothy Hay unlimited day and night, a small measure of Timothy Hay-based pellets, and some greens at night.

But I’ve been seeing tiny mites in her litter pan, sometimes a little flea here and there, and these other tiny tan bugs with wings. It’s not every day I see this, but enough for concern. I don’t get it since I clean it daily, empty her litter pan, spray it down with vinegar, and switch the pan with another that was cleaned the day before. My only guess is that it could be coming from the hay???

How do I stop this, and what flea treatment can I give her, and what bug treatment can be safely used for her home??
It could be coming in with the hay. The tan bugs with wings could be moths. I know wool moths can be attracted to the rabbits fur. Is your rabbit showing any signs of having mites(fur loss, excessive scratching) or fleas(fur loss, scratching, flea dirt in the fur)?

Thankfully, I don’t see any signs of mites on her. Her fur is thick since she is a long-haired Lop. The flea here and there might be from her occasional hop with us around the block, as I’ve seen dogs come through there sometimes. How do we safely treat fleas on a bunny?

As for the little tan bugs with wings....I recently took her off alfalfa hay altogether after reading a vet article that it has too much carbs and crude protein for it to be a good source of calcium (and that they don’t even feed it to their own bunnies). So ever since I got rid of the alfalfa hay, I haven’t seen any more of those little buggies, yay! (It must have been from a bad bale)

But still dealing with little mites and little fleas here and there....

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