Buck refusing to breed?

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Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
East , Texas, USA
What reasons are there for why my buck isnt covering my females? Its not extremely hot here and my does are old enough to begin breeding however my buck is showing absolutely no interest in them.
Hollywood.Buns wrote:
What reasons are there for why my buck isnt covering my females? Its not extremely hot here and my does are old enough to begin breeding however my buck is showing absolutely no interest in them.


How old is your buck? Though your does may be ready to breed, your buck may not be mature enough to get the deed right. Though some bucks have done the deed at 6 or 7 months, it might take some a little longer to actually figure out the technique.

All I can say let him practice, if the does don't mind, or you can help him if you like by holding the doe for him and lift her tail.

If he's older, how is his diet? Some bucks who get a little heavy lose the urge to mate. Heat makes bucks sterile but eatting like a little piggy makes them lazy.

Hoping this helps a little. Wishing you luck

K :)
He's three and he has bred does before. I checked him and his testicles arent as prevalent as the usually are. He isnt fat by any means in fact he's a LITTLE underweight right now. IS it possible that 75 is too hot for a rabbit to breed?
Hollywood.Buns wrote:
He's three and he has bred does before. I checked him and his testicles arent as prevalent as the usually are. He isnt fat by any means in fact he's a LITTLE underweight right now. IS it possible that 75 is too hot for a rabbit to breed?
Sounds like the summer really got to your boy. So sorry. With him being underweight, and don't blame yourself, or him, heat does this. I don't like to eat when it's hot, would you and a fur coat on to boot. 75 is cooler than 100, and it sounds like he's still recovering from heat sterile. I'd allow the boy to gain weight and see if the constant cooler weather helps him.

That's what I would do. Good Luck with him.

K :)
You could bring him inside for a week. We would do that to our cals before breeding for my school show since we would have to breed in October and the temps would be in the 80s and 90s. When introducing him to being back outside due it slowly and let him out in the colder temps of the day (ex: night time) We used carrying cages to bring them in.

I know here in south east texas we had a horrible summer. Most of our boys have come around from it by now and we have been having multiple litters(right now 4 with one doe bred today). So for that I don't think 75 degrees is too hot. What breed are your rabbits?

I've also heard of people putting Apple Cider Vinegar in the water to help with mating although i'm not sure the proper dosage.
Theyre cali's . And yea, im in Texas as well. The wierd thing is the buck tried to breed a doe two months ago. I dont know why he's sudenly decided theyre not worth it unless its the heat but last year i had no problems at breeding this time of the year
When you say he has " no interest" in the does. Do you mean that he doesn't even attempt to mount them at all? Just ignores them? I have no experience with heat sterile bucks (luckaly) but I thought it just meant that they are not successful in their attempts to mate, not that they don't show any interest in mating at all.

Hopefully some one who has more experience with it will come along.
Hollywood.Buns wrote:
He's three and he has bred does before. I checked him and his testicles arent as prevalent as the usually are. He isnt fat by any means in fact he's a LITTLE underweight right now. IS it possible that 75 is too hot for a rabbit to breed?
Was your buck scared? Was there any fighting going on between two months ago and now.

I couldn't find anything in the Library so I searched and found this about Rabbit Reproduction.

It says that a male can pull it's testicles into it's body when scared and fighting to protect itself. Rabbits only job in life is reproducing, being on the bottom of the food chain, so this is their defense. And how would you breed if you are scared?


Have no experience myself in breeding rabbits, but will some day. Hope this helps.

K :)

Good Luck!!

I haven't bred yet but 75 shouldn't be too hot at all.

I don't know if this is relevant to you at all but are you
putting him in to the does hutch or the does in to his hutch?

I have read a lot about Bucks not mating when their not in
their own hutch for some territorial reason and something as
a put off. but yeah that could be a myth.

Sorry if my blabber was of no convenience. Hope you work it out!
Bonnie Lee wrote:
Good Luck!!

I haven't bred yet but 75 shouldn't be too hot at all.

I don't know if this is relevant to you at all but are you
putting him in to the does hutch or the does in to his hutch?

I have read a lot about Bucks not mating when their not in
their own hutch for some territorial reason and something as
a put off. but yeah that could be a myth.

Sorry if my blabber was of no convenience. Hope you work it out!
No myth. I've read tons and have been advised tons to bring the buck to the doe. Bucks will ignore a doe if you bring him to his cage. He needs to be out of his element (his cage). It's a male thing. They get distracted very easily.

Good thought Bonnie.

K :)
He is't scared or fighting. He pretty much treats all my girls like they're not there. They don't chase, nuzzle, cuddle, anything. And i am bringing the doe to the bucks cage. I'm pretty much stumped as to what his problem is O-o
lol, Barry White Music and candles, I heard even taking them for a car ride could put a buck in the mood.

So let me get this straight:

3 year old buck who performed successfully at 2 years old giving good healthy kits

2 months ago was seen performing the deed. But no pregnancies I'm assuming.

Now nothing, plus he's lost weight, plus his testicles are not where they should be, and he's not interested in his surroundings.

I think LakeCondo might be on to something. I don't know if his hormones have dried up, but there is something wrong. If he was mine, I'd be on the phone to the Vet's office making an appointment, because I know, not just that I have three virgin does not bred, coming up to the cut off point of One Year, which a doe must be bred by, but because my buck has no interest in life.

Please keep us posted.

I think i have to agree. Something medical maybe? Give him a good look over. Check his teeth, feet, genitals and area, make sure he is eating and drinking normally?

I know I once had a problem breeding a new zealand buck but he was under a year old and hadn't really known a doe yet. He showed not alot of interest in the girls. Humping for a minute or two and then giving up and laying down. He got one doe once out of at least a dozen humping attempts. It was a bad situation but yours has bred before. I'm stumped
Im pretty stumped myself. His weight isnt a health isue sadly. I went away for a few days and my "ranch hand" (own a ranch) never showed up to feed. Not the pregnant sheep or the cows or the show horses. None. Ive been slowly trying to get him weight back up. I've given him a full check up and there arent any problems i can see. Teeth are good, feet are good, clean ears, no infections. And if i had the capabilities i would be getting him ready for the vets right now however its almost an hour to the nearest vet who would even consider looking at a rabbit, which i hate but my other option is moving which is not a choice right now.
Try adding a little wheat germ oil to his feed (1/4 tsp) for a few days and put the does near him.
If that does not work, trade places...put the buck in the does cage and the doe in the bucks cage overnight, in the morning, bring the doe back to the buck in her cage and they should breed.

The territorial thing is taking the doe to the bucks cage...does are the territorial ones and have been known to tear the testicles off a buck when put together in her cage.
Always take the doe to the buck even if you have swapped cages, bring the doe back to the buck.

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