Brushing stubborn rabbit

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island, New York, USA
So it's shedding season again. How do you guys groom your stubborn rabbits? Gulliver hates being brushed; I have the Furminator and a regular grooming brush/comb. Doesn't matter, he hates them both.

I started just picking and lightly pulling some fur out while he's eating as he lets me do that, but it's like using a spoon to shovel your snow! I feel like I'm getting nowhere.

Hints? Tips?
Picking and plucking with damp hands works the best for stubborn bunns...

Mine like to grab the brush out of my hands and throw I put one brush or comb I'm not using in front of them for throwing while I work with the other! :D

Runestonez wrote:
Picking and plucking with damp hands works the best for stubborn bunns...

Mine like to grab the brush out of my hands and throw I put one brush or comb I'm not using in front of them for throwing while I work with the other! :D


LOL hahaha same!!!!! Pippin doesn't stop!!! He really snatches it and throws it away. I find it amusing for the first minute or so and then when i actually can't brush him and it's been 5 minutes, I'm at a bit of a loss!! I can't understand why it doesn't feel nice!!! Lol it's like someone brushing your hair or gently stroking you with their nails (not that this happens to be often!!! :p haha) so I can't understand why he doesn't like it.

I agree- damp hands, and gently pulling the loose hair, and stroking firmly helps.

Hmm I'll try it with damp hands. With dry hands, it's like a snowstorm!

Yes, there is a lot of grunting & boxing, and grabbing/throwing of the brush. It is cute but does not get the job done!
Oh...yes...and I forgot my backup plan...stuff them with craisins!:biggrin2:
Bunny tries to throw brush...stuff craisin in mouth...continue to brush while beastie chews. You'd think this would reinforce their bad behavior...yeah...but momma gets tired of being hit with brushes sometimes! LOL:rofl:

Seriously though...the same techniques you would use for an aggressive/territorial rabbit work really well for grooming.
Same type of thing...bunny thinks he/she is in charge.
Gently push head down and hold it while saying in a loud firm voice..."NO".

Grooming should be enjoyable for both bunn and owner...but bunn has to learn that the brushes are out of bounds!

Our one bunn is VERY angry so none of this works on her...but I also let her get away with murder! She is my I give in all the time! It works great with the rest of the kids though! :biggrin:

Runestonez wrote:
Oh...yes...and I forgot my backup plan...stuff them with craisins!:biggrin2:
Bunny tries to throw brush...stuff craisin in mouth...continue to brush while beastie chews. You'd think this would reinforce their bad behavior...yeah...but momma gets tired of being hit with brushes sometimes! LOL:rofl:


LOL!!! Hahaha you make me laugh so much! :rofl:

When I'm sad, can I email you? LOL!

Hahahaha that wouldn't be hard. I get told to shut up about them most days :(



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