Britney Spears

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2007
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Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
britney spears has gone out of control mad crazy and is now being taken from her LA home to a mental hospital for "psych evaluation" after refusing to hand over her kids to k-fed tonight at her scheduled time to do so!!

the police are there, firetrucks, ambulances, helicopters, and spotlights are there in case she is actually fleeing and not in the house.





all this and more, on the most epic post ever posted here at rabbitsonline!!!

AHHHHH we all saw this one coming!

they just took her out on a gurney and one of her kids out into a separate ambulance...

oh britney you're out of control and soooo dunzo.

some ppl should not be allowed to concieve!!

not all stars have to be like that, there are plenty of highly respected movie stars/famous ppl that raise their kids decently!

what is the world coming to? and now jaimie spears is prego! haha
Just my two cents on Britney Spears...

When the press began reporting on her last year, following every move she made, splashing the frontpage headlines with her out-of-control actions, I found it to be rather sad. There were obviously major problems...substance abuse, erratic behavior, etc....but the focus seemed to be more on the sensationalism of it all - and what sort of scoop the tabloids could get - rather than seeing that this was a person who obviously was crying out for help...and still is. imo, the press has done nothing but exacerbate Britney's problems. It's just very sad.

Bassetluv wrote:
Just my two cents on Britney Spears...

When the press began reporting on her last year, following every move she made, splashing the frontpage headlines with her out-of-control actions, I found it to be rather sad. There were obviously major problems...substance abuse, erratic behavior, etc....but the focus seemed to be more on the sensationalism of it all - and what sort of scoop the tabloids could get - rather than seeing that this was a person who obviously was crying out for help...and still is. imo, the press has done nothing but exacerbate Britney's problems. It's just very sad.
I feel very sorry for her and her kids. I hope that she can get the professional help she needs (she has enough money to access pretty much anything) and will take hold of it.

It makes me very sad, the whole thing.

Gossiping about an ill person doesn't make anything better. In an ideal world she now needs to be left alone to get better. I hope the press give her that. I doubt it though, apparently she is now dating a member of the paparazi (or however it is spelt).

She's a person like anyone else, and a very ill one at that. I really hope she gets the support and help she needs.
Fluffball wrote:
I feel very sorry for her and her kids. I hope that she can get the professional help she needs (she has enough money to access pretty much anything) and will take hold of it.
i agree, what it comes down to is the care of the children. and hopefully getting help for herself. hopefully for her children's sake they will rise above his and come out on top. they cannot help their mother's actions
this is so not epic anymore. i thought she was gonna have her anna nicole moment last night, but while they wheeled her crazy self into the hospital, she flipped off everyone, including her supporters.

basset, you're totally right that they are exacerbating her problems, and she has gone from pop star to train wreck to suicide waiting to happen in a matter of...oh....a little over a year. BARELY over a year. they have taken away anything that is personal to her and turned it into a blown out of proportion public matter, which, for the record, has somehow NOT destroyed her career. her album sales are still pretty decent and the record company is planning another world tour for her (or....was at this point).

but take it from someone who has personally met britney before. she does NOT listen to's like, strangely autistic like or something. when someone is talking to her, she isn't even looking at them most of the time, and in the middle of their sentence she'll talk over them like she doesn't even know they are there. her legal teams have tried to tell her she NEEDS to go to court and go to her depos or she will lose her kids, and she just...doesn't go. she calls out and says she is sick and then, of course, the blood thirsty paparazzi finds her out with some friends clubbing that night, or grabbing a starbucks and going to some random gas station (which is like, her favorite hang out for some reason).

she needs this mental evaluation f'sho today. i feel really bad for her and im personally crossing my fingers for her!

meh, I don't take pleasure in seeing other people in pain. Usually it's people we envy that we *enjoy* watching fall apart. It's just sad to me as I can't even imagine what it would be like to have all your private moments be entertainment to the rest of the world.

Well I would like to say other than wishing her the best lets not add to the garbage being said. She is a woman going through a rough time with honestly little support from those who matter. Sorry in IMO fans are not the most important thing. That would be family and friends.

Also there are kids on this forum and some parents may not want there kids reading stuff like this.

Wether it be drugs or mental health (which could be) doesn't matter. She needs help.
Poor Britney. :( I hate how she's treated, she just needs to get away, not been seen by the public for about a year, and sort herself out. Such a shame what's happened to her. :(

Was pretty shocked at the little sister though. Quite a blow for Nickelodeon too.. :?
I feel so sorry for Britney, the media just needs to leave her alone so she can get her life in order again. I can only imagine how painful it must have been for her having her children taken away.:(

I can't believe it about her little sister being pregnant at 16 though.:shock:Although I think some people are overreacting saying she is a terrible role model - at least she has owned up to her mistakes and is willing to keep the baby and try and be a good mum. That's a lot more than many girls her age would do.:?

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