Bringing a kitten home with a free-range bunny?

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Nov 6, 2014
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I have an almost 5y old bunny, and my husband and I are considering to adopt a baby kitten early next year. Muffin (my bunny) is very calm and confident, laid back bunny. He's travelling with us a lot, and was interacting with cats and dogs before - he just loves our parents dogs, they lick and groom each other. With cats it's different - he's mostly ignoring them. At one point, one of the cats were sleeping nearby and Muffin went to sniff him and just sat around for a while, so that's good.

We tried a rescue 2y old kitty, but when we brought her home, she waited until my husband opened the door of her safe room (she was confined to one room to get used to the changes), and charged towards Muffin, hissing, growling and chasing him. Muffin ran away, and we separated them immidiately. That was an awful experience, but we are hoping with a baby kitten it will be different.
I don't need them to be best friends, just want both pets to be safe and comfortable with each other.

My concern is, that Muffin is a free range bunny, and we live in a studio apartment. He's chilling on the carpet and the couch, which take roughly half of the room, since he can't walk on the hardwood. I work from home, so I could supervise the pets during the day.
At first, I could lock him Muffin up at night, just to be sure nothing happens between him and kitten while I'm sleeping, but I'm a bit scared, they might hurt each other when I'm not around, and locking Muffin every time I leave the house/every night would be less than ideal, if it's long term.

I am not willing to declaw the cat, both pets would be spayed/neutered (Muffin already is), have vaccinations in check, etc.

What are your experiences?
How easy it is to intoduce a kitten to a bunny, so they both would understand to not hurt each other? I'm mostly concerned about Muffin getting hurt, but you'll never know.
Can they really be in a same room only when superwised? Do I have to separate them forever?
What's the best way to introduce a kitten to a bunny, if we live in a studio?
How old kitten should be for best results? It's not going to be a breed cat, I'm adopting from rescues, so I could just wait until there's a suitable baby available.

Thanks in advance!
You cannot guarantee nothing will ever happen and they should not be left alone unsupervised. Even if they seem like best buds. Cats are predators, plain and simple. All it takes is Muffin to move a certain way that sparks something in the cats brain for the chase. Yes even those fat lazy never get up cats.
If you cant be there you would need to lock one up.
Kittens may actually be worse as they are more playful and tend to use their nails and teeth a lot more in casual play.
Its fine until its not. Are you really willing to risk that?

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