Bringing a cat to a free run bunny household

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Hi there,

We are thinking of adopting a cat from a shelter. How does it work bringing a bunny home to a house where the bunnies are free run?

Any advice would really be appreciated!
I'd be very careful. I've heard of cats, who were good friends with a bunny, suddenly turn on the bunny and attack it. I wouldn't let both have free run, especially unsupervised.
We let the cats and rabbits have unsupervised access to each other and we've never had a problem. In our situation, though, we were lucky enough to have the kittens born and raised in our house. They were first introduced to the rabbits when they were eight weeks old, and have always been around them.

What are your rabbits' personalities like? Are they easily intimidated? Nervous? Or are they outgoing and a bit fearless? In my experience, it's the confidant rabbits that have an easier time accepting cats into the house, mostly because the cats tend to respect the bunnies space.
I agree, bold bunnies make better friends of cats. Our cats were bunnie trained by my little nutmeg, she was bold and would not allow any rude kitty behavior. Our cats and rabbits are just fine around each other now. Even little Mace is making friends with the cats.
Wesley is pretty laid back and Jordi is a bit skittish. Wesley got really jealous when we brought a bunny around though (attacked poor Jordi). Would this come in to effect with a cat?
Possibly. In my experience, I've never seen a cat willing to fight back with a rabbit. They tend to be more intimidated than anything. Maybe you could ask the shelter for a trial run with a new cat? I know it will take kitty some time to settle down and be comfortable in the new home, but at least you'd know if things didn't work out that there wouldn't be a problem bringing the cat back.

At the shelter where I used to volunteer, several of the volunteers fostered both cats and rabbits. It might be worth asking the shelter if they could recommend cats that they think would do well with bunnies.
Well I'm currently cat-sitting for my friend and anytime he sees one of my bunnies he gets down in stalking position like he's about to attack it. He never does though cuz the bunnies are always very close to me when he's around. I usually lock him up in my room when I want to let the bunnies have the living room.

Then I always hear of cats attacking and killing bunnies. It's in their nature. Cats are predators and bunnies are prey. I would just be very very careful.
I have seven cats and just recently took in a bunny who is in her cage most of the time, but when I let her out at night the cats don't bother her. They're VERY curious about her, and she gets sniffed a lot, butI have a couple that I think will end up being her pals,and out of seven cats I've never felt that they were going to hurt Allie. When I'm home I'll leave the cats and Allie by themselves while I make dinner, clean, etc., and all is well.She can take care of herself.One nightAllie got tired of being sniffed and did a 180 to face the offending cat--you haven't seen anything until you've seen a 16 pound cat run scared from a 4 pound bunny!

Every cat and every rabbit is different, so I can't say for sure, but from what I've read and experienced more often than not bunnies and cats are okay with each other.

Now as for my cats all getting along, that's another story....:?

I have never seen a cat try to hurt one of my rabbits, and I have had a lot of cats and a lot of rabbits. Even a small rabbit is big enough to offer a decent challenge to a cat, and the cat knows it. I have one "big, tough tom cat" that loves my rabbits so much that he will climb in their cages with them and curl up against them purring. Loki, one of my house cats, thinks it's fun to chase them around the house, and most times the bunny seems to think it's fun too. If not, bunny will put Loki in her place.
We have a grand total of 5 cats and 4 bunns right now. All our cats were rescue cats and were fairly old by the time we introduced the bunns. Our oldest was 8 when we got our first bunn. None of the cats had a problem...they all came over had a sniff and I think the general consensus was..."Thank god it isn't another cat!" When our Butter bunn died we got our current two girls who were again instantly accepted by the cats.

Our Peppy is going thru a cat eating phase right now but I think that is solely a dominance thing. She spends the better part of her day sitting in the cats litter box so they can't. Then the catscomemeow at me and I go chase her out! Solembum and Dandelion are really good with the cats. If one of them offends bunny ettiquette they will get charged at but since it isn't isn't much of a threat! Some cats just have a predatory personality...but I haven't seen a cat yet that would take on a full grown rabbit!! Especially one who feels they have first dibs on the house and owner!! ;)

adamjai-I can go one better! Our 22 pound Tortie getting taken out at the knees by a 3.5 pound bunny!! :shock: OK call me a lousy mom but I had to wait till I stopped laughing to chastise the bunn!!:D

Basically you know your bunns and you have met the cat you intend to adopt. You alone know their individual personalities. Go with your gut.:D
jordiwes-all our bunns are free run. The only time we lock them up is at night. But they roam the house from about 7:00am till 11:30pm. Our last bunn was 24/7 free roaming, but our Peppy girl is a brat, so to give the cats a break without her sneaking up on them in the dark...we put them to bed when we go!!:D
adamjai-I can go one better! Our 22 pound Tortie getting taken out at the knees by a 3.5 pound bunny!! :shock: OK call me a lousy mom but I had to wait till I stopped laughing to chastise the bunn!!:D

Oh man that made me laugh out loud. What a mental picture! I wouldn't call you a lousy mom--I know I'd be laughing pretty hard at that too!
My experiences are similar to m.e.'s. We have 18 cats and 3 rabbits. The rabbits are free roam. We have hadcats and rabbits together for 16+ years and never had a problem. Of course we do the proper introductions. We have never had a cat attack a rabbit even though we have some cats who spend their days out in the barn catching mice.

We have had numerous incidents of rabbits chasing and being aggressive with the cats especially if they get too close to the bunnies' hay or food bowls. Melody is very territorial about her food.
I just adopted a cat from the shelter and I already had a rabbit. My rabbit is in a cage but we let her out to run everyday. I did not let them run free together yet, but they are at the point where they don't freak out when they see each other.

FYI- Make sure you sign up for the ShelterCare Insurance (First month feewaived) for your cat. Even if you don't keep the insurance, just do it until you know he/she is in good health.In the past month I've spent over $1,000 for my cat. He ended up having Coccida (Parasite) and a severe Upper Respiratory Infection.

seniorcats wrote:
We have hadcats and rabbits together for 16+ years and never had a problem. Of course we do the proper introductions.
Do you mind telling me how you usually introduce them?

Also, can you send positive thoughts for Sunny the rescue cat? He was rescued and in bad shape but now recovered in a foster home where they have rabbits.

Just trying to convince the hubby!

Oh, what a sweet face!! If your Hubby won't let you have him, I'll take him! Just kidding, my Hubby would have kittens himself. LOL
well my cats are quite scared of the bunnies butit doesnt really matter as long as you make sure the cat doesnt attackthe bunny!
I've just introdued my kitty to my rabbit. Bothare bold charecters and aren't usually scared of much. Trixi is verysmall for age (people still mistake her for a tiny kitten at almost 2years old). I first introduced her when i put my rabbit in the run andshe just sat and started. The other day William was hopping round theliving room so i brought Trixi in. She sat down on the floor staring atthe rabbit. After a bit Will noticed her and ran over, i put my fingersin Trixi's case incase i felt i needed to yank her away. Will ran allthe way up to her and sinffed her face (he's not shy!) and sheimmediatley slunk back into me all scared and ran out the room. She wasclearly petrified!

Then later in the day Will was in the dining room with my older catherbie (who doesn't care at all!). Trixi burst in the cat flap and raninto the dining room and almost jumped out of her skin when she saw therabbit. She clearly is scared (she looks in his hutch and runs pastquickly!)

I'd say slow and safe intros, maybe keep the cat on a lead or do what idid and hold the collar if something happens. Have someone with you toopick up the bunny is needed too!

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