Breeding Does Back to Back

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  1. What breeds of rabbits do you feel you specialize in? Fre
  2. How long have you been breeding? 11 years? Roughly?
  3. How did you get into breeding? I was just always fascainted with the idea that 2 living things make more living things. Our unofficial 4H Rabbit Club motto was ''2 bunnies make 4 bunnies and 4 bunnies make more bunnies"
  4. Do you breed for show, to sell for show, as pets, because you just love rabbits or a combination of these? A nice combo. I just love my critters. I like to see them have families of their own and everyone likes to see their child succeed, hence why they go to show. I like to try and better the breed. I sell the ones that don't make the show cut for pets and I keep a waiting list on hand so I just call the next person in line when I have a ''pet'' to sell.
  5. How many litters do you have in the average year? oh geez I don't count. I try to have at least 2 a month. So like....24?
  6. How many litters would you suggest per doe in a year? Depends on the doe and the breed too, really. For my own does, Dutch-wise I like to get 2-3 litters per year out of them. I like to give them a nice long break, usually like 1-3 months after each litter, before she is bred again. If she loses her litter though or too many of the litter die, I'll give her remaining baby (usually if it's down to one or two babies) to a foster mom and I'll re-breed that doe in a day or two.
  7. What would you define as ‘back to back’ breeding? Breeding a doe directly after her litter is weaned.
  8. How often do you think is too often to breed your does? PRetty much what's been said, it depends on the doe. I feel bad breeding a doe so often though. I think i've only once in my life bred a doe right after her litter was weaned. She was a great mom and in great condition after her last litter and I really wanted Juniors for convention so I rebred her.
  9. Do you have strong feelings for or against ‘back to back’ breeding? Why? I'm not that fond of it. I mean personally I'd hate to spend my whole life either pregnant or nursing but I have two friends that saying being pregnant was the greatest tiem of their life. One of them really wants another baby. I know it's a lot of stres on any living body though, which is pretty much why I don't do it.
  10. Do you think there are health effects for over breeding a doe? I'm worn out just taking care of everyone and they're not even my babies! See above answer.
  11. Do you think that there are any affects to kits that are products of ‘back to back’ breeding? If the mother is in ill health because of it, worn out, not able to produce enough milk, I see that as a possibility.
  12. Do you have any other comments you would like to add? JESSE FLAHERTY! NUMBA ONE!!!!

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