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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Zach and I were sitting w/Snuggles petting her, etc. She bit me then turned to Zach and licked him!!!

Zach didn'task for a rabbit and wasn't even there when I got her.....I got her for me.

I got her Woody Pet for crying out loud. She's supposed to like me!!

Awwwww Lynda, sometimes they just dothat, one day she is going tobite Zach and kiss all over you , bunniesare funny that way , she may have feltyou offended her however slightand was teaching you a lesson ,
ROFL That's too funny. Shethought her mommy did something bad. Give her some extratreats and tell her you still love her.


do you think she thought your finger was a nice carrot? WhenI first started hand-feeding my buns, I got nipped a few times :X
Little Stinker!!

She could've thought your finger was a carrot. Sometimes they give us 'love nips'. Was it that?

Sometimes Abby gives me a nip like that, mostlywhen she just doesn't want my hand in the cage. Valuran at least giveswarning: when he doesn't want any more pets, he nudges our hands awaythree times (always three times) and the fourth he'll give a light nip.Nothing that hurts, mostly he just used his teeth to nudge away.
Carolyn wrote:
Little Stinker!!

She could've thought your finger was a carrot. Sometimes they give us 'love nips'. Was it that?


How funny! Great minds think alike. heeeheee :p
lol, that was cute... and very funny. poor mom,underappreciated. Maybe she wanted you to pet her head and was tryingto grab your hand to get you to pet her head more or differently/ maybeshe felt you were not bowing to her paticular needs lol.
Kricket wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Little Stinker!!

She could've thought your finger was a carrot. Sometimes they give us 'love nips'. Was it that?


How funny! Great minds think alike. heeeheee :p

Woops! Sorry! Looks like we posted at the same time.

Yup, great minds! *giggles*

* * * * * *


Too funny - your note about WoodyPet!:dude:


Lynda wrote:
I got her Woody Pet for crying out loud. She's supposed to like me!!

Now that just down right ungrateful :X

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