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New Member
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
This is my first time on a forum.

We have a lop eared Holland. He is neutured and is 2 years old. We havebeen giving apple branches for him to chew on and have used up alllower branches on our two apple trees. We would like to know what othertype of tree branches our rabbit can chew on. We have silver willowtrees in our yard and hedges. We also have a couple of lilac trees.However, we don't know if these will be poisonous. Can anyone help?
"Rabbits love nibbling on twigs and those withbuds and tender shooots are a particular delicacy. You cancollect twigs and branches from many fruit trees and practically alldeciduous trees and bushes: apple, birch, blackberry, firtrees, hazel, hawthorn, maple, pear, raspberry, spruce trees, andwillow. Avoid acacia, apricot, azalea, beech, box, cherry,some clematis species, elder, holly, ivy, laburnum, mistletoe, nuxvomica, oak, oleander,peach, periwinkle, plum, privet, rhodeodendron,rosewood, snowberry, spindleberry, thorn apple, waxplant,wisteris, yew,and most evergreen trees and shrubs." page 20; The reallyuseful BUNNY GUIDE, Carolina James, Kingdom Books(tfh), 1997

How many do you have? I only have the one, plus arottweiler, a basset and a cat. Thank goodness they all get along. Iwould post my rabbit's picture, but I don't know how. He is a realbeauty.
I have 7 buns of my own and foster 10more. My husband says we live in a warren. I have an EnglishCocker and English Springer Spaniel. We also have a lizard iguana thatsomeone turned loose and 4 fish tank and horny fish that keep havingbabies and we put them in incubators so the other fish do not eat them.Most of my fosters are hard to place buns due to age or health issuesbut they are free to stay with us for life. We are awful foster parentsbecause we cry abd have trama when out kids leave but there is alwaysanother that needs us to help deal with the hurt. It is not a bad hurtbecause we really screen our new homes.