Boyfriend is getting irritated with bunny..

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2009
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, West Virginia, USA
So, after 4 years Ifinally convinced my BF to let me have a bunny in the house. I brought him home about a month ago and he's a great little bun, pretty well behaved ect. He was perfectly litter trained at first... but he has started pooing behind the recliner. (Not old enough to get neutered yet) It's no big deal for me, I can just vaccuum it up after he get put in his cage and be pacient with him. But, it REAAAALLLLY annoys my boyfriend. He gets so angry and asks "How long does it take to litter train him?!" He also gets annoyed because Reggie dfeosn't always want to be held. If you get in the floor he comes right over but BF isn't aobut to do that... It's starting to cause tension and I feel like its only going to get worse. TO make matters worse he's starting to want to keep Regi in his cage so he only gets to come out when I'm home and BF's not (very rarely...) I let him out anyway, but this just causes more tension. On top of all that it BF's job to feed hay because I'm so allergic to it. But he gets annoyed when I ask him to. Soon he'll need unlmited hay, what am I going to do then?! As much as I love and want my bun, I'm beggining to tihnk getting him was a mistake. I can't stand the thought of giving him up... and we're getting ready to move where there will be even less space. I'm afriad I'll be foreced to make him live outside.It doesnt get TOO cold... but there are lots of cats, hawks, ect in my neighborhood. Bf doesn't seem to understand they dont actually have to claw him to kill him... and he wont be happy outside by himself. A second bun is out of the question. I'm so frusterated because getting the bunny has turned bitter sweet. I've finally got the bunny I've always wanted but he's causeing tension between me and my boyfriend. AHHHHHHH :tears2:

sorry to be so long winded
That's an unfortunate situation. Hopefully the litter training will improve soon so that he at least keeps everything inside the cage. You could try putting a diaper on him when you let him out of his cage. That might ease bf's concerns about poop on the floor and therefore improve his opinion of the bunny.
I'm so confused because it started out "OH I love the bunny *snuggle*snuggle*snuggle*" Now its "I always thought a dog was enough, I dont knwo why you wanted a bunny. I wouldn't have picked one."
Hmm, i am not sure what to do in this situation. Tell him since you clean up after him and take care of him, then whats the big seal? Thats what id say..
Can you give him some reading about bunny behavior? Or explain about the being held issue, at least. You can stick a small litter box behind the recliner to encourage Reggie to use it. How long before you move and how long before he can get fixed? Is there a chance that your BF is feeling neglected in favor of Reggie?
Rabbits seem to decide where they want to go to the bathroom. If your bunny is going behind the recliner. I would put a litter box there. Atleast then it will be contained. You can also try to put hay in the litter box. That seems to help as they will eat the hay and go the bathroom at the same time. How are you trying to litter train him? May be we can give more advice there.

I think in regard to your boyfriend being upset about the rabbit not wanting to be held, he is just expecting to much. This rabbit has a mind of his own and sometimes rabbits just don't like to be held.

In regard to the hay, if your boyfriend is going to make a big deal about giving it to the rabbit I would do my best to find away to give the rabbit hay myself. I would wear a face mask, long sleeve shirt and gloves when giving the hay. Hopefully that will help your allergies.

It really stinks that you are in this situation. Do you think if you started to feed the hay and got the bunny to use a litter box behind the recliner your boyfriend would be okay with the rabbit?
I have a lot to say about your situation, but I should probably keep my mouth closed...

My ex- used to mad about the poo's on the floor also, no matter how often I picked up after my rabbit. What it really turned out to be, was that he was jealous of the time and energy that I gave to the rabbit and not to him. I always wondered what would have happened if I had to give my time and energy to a baby of our own. Would he be jealous of the baby also...? Probably a good thing we never did have kids...

Anyhow, just some thoughts and concerns about how much he wants to control his household. Does he want you to be happy, or does he just want all of your attention for himself?

That is too bad. But I think it's more of an issue with your boyfriend then with the bunny. Bunny is a bunny and will do things as bunnies do, will not change much. Neutering will help for sure but when you have pets there is always something (chewing, fur, some odors, etc.) and a person has to accept this in order to live with an animal. I am wondering if you have other issues with your boyfriend, what I mean is he a really nice guy that is easy to get along with and just not a bunny person, or does he like to pick on things and there are other issues that cause tension between the two of you? If your boyfriend normally is an understanding person then if you explain to him about how your bunny is still a baby and needs to learn and how he will get better after he will be neutered then your boyfriend will understand. However if your boyfriend tends to be unreasonable and demanding of others then he will probably always find something to complain about. If the bunny will end up living in the back yard because your boyfriend can not tolerate him then you are better of finding him a home now while he is still young and its easier to find a home for him (or just keep the bun and get rid of the boyfriend:))
If I were in that situation, keep the bunny and get rid of the boyfriend! If he can't support you enough to give a handful of hay to a rabbit to prevent you from having an allergic reaction, what else wont he do for you?
Fill the empty space in your apartment with more bunnies and less man who wont help out.
I wonder if he is resenting the fact that he is now required to take Reggie out, and give him hay... yet another chore in his day. Would cause resentment towards both Reggie and you.

Best way to get around that is with a few key items:
Build an x-pen (NICs or buy one), and attach it to Reggie's cage so Reggie can go in and out at his leisure. Get a large mat to put under this area, and put a shower-curtain liner under the aforesaid mat to stop any leaks/poos.

This way, your boyfriend doesn't "have to let Reggie out": Reggie can go by himself ;).

I would also promote you to find another way to give Reggie hay by yourself:
(He actually needs unlimited hay now...)

IE: Get a plastic step-stool, and anchor a big rubbermaid box with lid on it (level with cage). Cut a rectangular hole at the bottom of a box side. Anchor the plastic box to the cage. Reggie should be able to pull hay through on his own... if it is a conventional cage, you may have to use wire cutters to widen the hole for easier access. Fill box when needed, wearing respirator, gloves, etc.

Frankly, Reggie doesn't seem to hold much "play value" for your boyfriend, the novelty has worn off, and he's probably viewing the little guy as another inconvience that also poops on the floor (that part should go away as he gets older ;) ).

If you can shoulder the entire load of Reggie's care (bf doesn't have to lift a finger), then your BF has no legitimate complaint.

I would strongly suggest that your neighbourhood sounds too unsafe to house a bunny outside. With a few changes in the routine, your boyfriend will get over this, If you submit and put the bun outside, then you've lost. Ain't no way he'll be allowed back in :(

[I have this same conversation with someone every now and then. Just have to keep standing my ground. They get over it.:hug:]

I hate that type of behavior too - from the boyfriend that is.

In my case, my parents. Here's a story.
Mr. Bun Bun has always been hated for his aggression towards their stupid dogs. One day, when Koga was still a baby, the dogs chased him around the yard(they're not mean dogs, they just like to chase anything that runs from them for fun). Mr. Bun Bun saw this and took action. Went after the 2 abnoxious, overly spoiled mutts and attacked them with a fury of bunny bites. The dogs fled.
All he was doing was protecting his baby bunny friend!

I got yelled and fussed at by my parents. They overreact so bad about the 5 pound rabbit.

But I would keep your eye out on your boyfriend and be around bunny when you let him run lose - he sounds like he has a temper and you don't want your bunny to be hurt.

One day, my mom threw a cardboard box at him when he was caught charging at the dogs.
Another day, we were outside with the buns and the dogs, and the rabbits went after one of the dogs(they learned to dislike the dogs).
My mom picked up the broom to seperate them, but Bun Bun still went after him and my mom hit him so hard with the broom, that it caused him to flip over. Luckly Mr. Bun was ok. I told her that if I ever saw here hit him again that I would make her life a living hell. As much as she loves animals, that was pretty harsh.
I am allergic to most "grasses" so I either wash my hands immediately after touching the hay or I use latex gloves--bought a box of 100 at Home Depot in the paint department. As to the rest, bunnies are never going to be 100 per cent litter box trained. They will leave some pills behind, but it's really easy to pick up. Sounds like your dealing with a Drama Major. Good luck.
That sure is some pickle you're in...
It's hard to justify fighting with someone you love over a "pet" sometimes. But I think you should stick this out.
He should want you to have pets and whatnot that make you happy. Not cause a fight over something like that.
And about the hay and allergies thing. He should be VERY understanding about that. It's only right.
I know if my boyfriend needed my help with that it wouldn't bug me in the least. Because I love him.
I think it's either one of two things (neither of which has much to do with bunny and more to do with your relationship):

As someone else said,he might bejealous of the time you're spendingon the bunny. (DoI think that means it's time to trade in the boyfriend? Not at all.This happens to parents with new babies, too. Instead, try giving your boyfriend some extra pets andsnuggles so he doesn't feel left out. ;) )

Or it's not about the bunny at all and there's something else that's picking at him and it's easier to criticize the bunny than to deal with whatever that issue is. (Does this mean you should trade in your boyfriend? Nope. Men aren't always the best at articulating their feelings--that may well be the understatement of the century!:biggrin2: We, as women,need to learn to draw them out. Not always easy, butin the end it only strengthens our relationships!)

My advice: put the bunny in his cage, makeyour boyfriend a nice dinner, light some candles, andhave a heart-to-heart with him.


Hope that helps!

I really dont want to get rid of either my boyfriend or the bunny.. But I talked to him today.. we've agreed to put another litter box behind the recliner. He just doesn't understand bunny behavior. Ive explained what I can to him ,but I dont think he gets it. I train dogs and he doesnt even get that stuff when i explain stuff to him... thanks for all the responses and helpful suggestions.
I tried to build a pen for him to run around in ( or rather I blocked off the kitchen door and let him have the kitchen) but he can hop over anything I can step over! I even put a 9" fence a little in front of a 1.5 ft piece of ply wood and he made it over! I think things will be ok once i get something for hay and get him not going in the floor.

Thanks again for the advice
Glad to hear things are better between you and the boyfriend!

If you want to keep Reggie in the kitchen, I think you're going to need something taller than 1.5 feet. I think I remember reading somewhere that even a small bunny can hop over anything shorter than 24". Have you got a baby gate? (Or can you get one?) I use one and, even though Gus is a bigger bun, he hasyet to be able to hop over it!

Hope that helps!

funnybunnymummy wrote:
Glad to hear things are better between you and the boyfriend!

If you want to keep Reggie in the kitchen, I think you're going to need something taller than 1.5 feet. I think I remember reading somewhere that even a small bunny can hop over anything shorter than 24". Have you got a baby gate? (Or can you get one?) I use one and, even though Gus is a bigger bun, he hasyet to be able to hop over it!

Hope that helps!

I also use a baby gate and neither of my buns jump over it but I can get over it. Just make sure you get one they can't chew threw. First one I got, I came home a few days later and bunnies were out running around. They or should I say I think Chase ate a big hole in it and climb threw. Now I buy the ones that have metal in the gate part, not plastic.
I also use a baby gate and Sabrina has yet to get over it! I got mine of off kijiji for about $15, so even if you need to get a few to block 2 doors its not too expensive.

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