Bo isn't doing too great - VET CHECKED

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
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, Indiana, USA

Bo hasn't been having much luck lately.He has gotten frustrated with Tony moving in with us. Now when we let Tony out to play we have to cover Bo up with a blanket so he doesn't see Tony. To add to that we moved him and Clover to the other side of the room, and we rebuilt his cage. This isn't a very happy bunny.

Today my mom got Bo out to brush him because he has been molting like non other. So he was verrrrry happy and was grooming her and taking a bath. Then she started brushing him on his bach and she noticed a bump... So we had to get a flashlight to look at it better. And for sure it was a big lump,not hair. So we will have to take him to the vet tomorrow. We hope it won't be anything serious like an abcess...:cry4:Send your prayers.

Oh no - I will definitely be praying for your bunny and you.

Let us know what the vet says!

Thinking of Bo! :hug:

Hope it's something simple. I had an old rabbit with a lump on her back, it was just a old scar.
I will be keeping Bo in my thoughts today

Thanks everyone. I don't know what this thing is but it's not BIG it's about ... well, no wider than a pencil eraser and sort of the size of a pellet. Not length but it's not thick. I thought it was a little line of hair but it's not.

I was thinking it might be where Clover bit him - it's about that wide. But it's under the skin. If you pull the skin a bit - then you feel and see it.

I'm going to call the vet and just get him in. He needs checked for mites anyhow cause he's molted for months I think - his hair always comes back but it seems like he's always losing it too.

I just worry about my boy :(
:shock: Missed this too!

All my bunnies are going through a constant molt right now, so the hair loss doesn't worry me too much, but it's quite possiblethe lump isan abscess from a bite, but it shouldn't be too horrible even if it is. It's being dealt with early by an attentive bunny slave, it seems to be in an easy-to-deal with spot.

I called Dill 'Bo' again the other day. Nothing bad is allowed to happen to 'our' Bo B Bunny! :nerves1

sas :pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover::pray::clover:
Poor Dill will have a complex! :shock:

Yeah, I'm thinking it's either a scar or abcess from little miss Clover cause she's taken fur before.

bo had BALD areas like you wouldn't believe and I think he's molted non-stop for about 6 mos LOL! He's getting all his hair back but looks awful right now. It's all uneven. So I'll just have her take a look at that as well. he needs his yearly checkup so it's good to get him in. He hates it tho. I did go buy him a new carrier today since my sister inlaw borrowed mine permenantly last year LOL! Her kitty loved it so much I didn't have the heart to take it back - my old one is ..... old and I won't put my Bo in that yucky looking thing! He deserves a new one. Plus we need one for Tony to go to shows..... if he STILL FITS IN IT THEN! :p

Thanks for the prayers. I really hope it's not something more serious. I don't think I could stand that.

Bo has to be at our vet's office in about an hour. She wants to see him due to his hair issues and the bump. I will feel so much better just knowing she's looked at him. She's so awesome!

I'll also mention the book signing that Sharon will be doing here and try to get a word in about the forum.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Thank you. He's gonna hate me in a little while. :(I'll try to get video. :p
Oh sure, not only will he hate you for taking him to the vet, he'll be mad that you embarrassed him by taking videos! :headsmack That's gonna takea LOT of treats for forgiveness.
I forgot the video camera! But i did get a phone pic of him in the car...... he was NOT happy. then he started to scare me. It's about 25 min. from my house and he was panting! he was so scared.

We got to the vet's office and it was the associate vet - who was fine. She checked him all over and here's the rundown:

1. No mites found in skin scraping. He kept hopping to me from the table. They took 2 people and her to go get the scraping in the surgical area. He tried to escape the burrito as they took him away...... "MOMMMMMMYYY!!!!!!!!"

2. Testing for ringworm but that takes time to grow so we might not know for 2 wks

3. The little lump is probably a little fat deposit - we need to keep watch on it but it seemed fine!

4. His hocks aren't bad but she wants him on COMPLETELY soft surfaces - no wood floor - get rugs or blankets out for him. His litterbox can have woodypet but she wants it piled high with carefresh over that. Blankets on all of his cage floors..... She wants to get those hocks back to normal and prevent bad stuff...... I agree.

5. Bo is 4.79 pounds. She didn't say he was overweight and but he is a bit I guess. His backbone is easily felt as are his ribs, but he's still got some extra weight on his belly.

6. I met an 11 year old mini-lop there.

7. I met a cute little dutch rabbit who needs a home - not mine tho lol.

8. Bo flopped in his crate on the way home LOL!

9. He's taking a nice bath since those NASTY people touched him and he peed in the crate on the way home too... of course that got on him.

10. Now to take Lexi to the doc for her sinus infection (at least that is what I think it is..........) and then at 5 the farrier will be at the barn.

Hubby thinks I need to work full time now......... :shock:

Bo thinks we need to go home now! "maybe if I groom puppy really well..."


:bunnydance::woohooit sounds GREAT!

His poor little feetsies...I hope he feels better. I'm happy to hear that the lump is probably a fatty deposit.

Oh had us worried! :hug:

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