Biting the carpet..

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Belleville, New Jersey, USA
Hey everyone!

Since Manhattan is a big bully and kept knocking over the gate in thekitchen, I finally let him roam the downstairs part of the house (mydining room and living room). He's fully potty trained, so I didn'tfear any accidents or anything. He's just now starting to bite andscratch at the carpet only in like 2 or 3 spots. I tried sprayingCanopy Bitter Biters stuff and that hasn't done a darn thing. Is thereanything else similar that doesn't stain a carpet? I was going to tryvinegar, does that work? Your help is appreciated! Thanx and have agreat weekend everyone!

I wish I could help you, but I'm having the sameproblem. I've tried everything...he doesn't even care aboutbeing squirted with the spray bottle anymore. I've triedclapping and saying no. I've had to cover most of the floorin the room he stays in with sheets.

I'd love to see what ideas people have.

Hi, I've heard vinegar worksto help stop chewing, but I don't know if it works for carpets. What Iused to do was that when I saw that he was standing on the carpet fortoo long ( I was scared he'd pee on it) I'd gently push him, move him,or chase him away. But I have gotten lazy so I do something else: whenhe starts biting the carpet, I gently push his head down and say a loudno! You can also clap or stomp your feet at the same time. I think thelast one is better. Good Luck! :)
Nothing works for my Baby either. Spraybottle, just a game to her. Vinegar, I think she likesit. Happy to know it's not just her.
I've tried clapping and banging my hand down onthe floor near his head. He looks up at me, and then goes right back towhat he was doing. I've picked Manhattan up and moved Isaid, he's such a bully. I've put my foot down where he was biting andhe'll try to nudge my foot out of the way! LOL! Gotta love thedetermination!

Sorry :(. I'm just luckywith the carpet. But I forgot to say that with the sofa he just chewson it no matter what, if I put him down he'll go back up so I just siton the spot he chews on lol :p
To protect the corners of your room where theycan tug up the carpet try putting perspex down in the corners so theycant get to it. Or fencing her in so that she can not get to theseareas and put newspaper down. The other option is buy her arug of her own to chew..get a doormat made out of seagrass or coir..thereally expensive option is laminate :D
I don't think that wouldwork because when bunnies chew on carpets they pull up the fibers so itwon't work. Maybe the only way it would work would be to put tape ontop of the whole carpet but I don't think anyone would want to do it:p
Lenci pulled up a hand full of carpet fibers yesterday. I'm so mad at her. :X:X:X
Hey, I'm new here. I readabout your problem. You might want to try a little "time-out"whenever he chews the carpet. Also, if there is anyparticular spot where he chews the carpet, you coud try turning alaundry basket over that spot. I did this, and my rabbitrealized that she can't just come in and chew the carpet because shewants to. Another solution is to lay out some vegetables orhay when your rabbit is out. If he is already chewing on thefood, he won't find any interest in chewing the carpet. Hopeall goes well!:)

I am not a pro here, but I wonder if therepossibly may have been something spilt in these areas that attractsthis little guy. What I would do? clean the areawith mild soap OR I have seen rabbit spot cleaners that are safe, letdry and keep bun away until dries and see what happens?Obviously he is attracted to these same spots for some reason, I don'tknow, just a thought...good luck:)
So far, I've tried the hay thing and Lenci is farmore interested in pulling up the carpet. Now it's time forplan B....Icky Spray!
I've really had it with Lenci. Our landlord is so going to kill us when we move out.
I've had pretty good luck with the carpets,although Hef pulled a few fibers out a while back. Now I leave a fewnewspapers and magazines around for him. He seems to enjoy shreddingthose more than the carpet.
I've also heard to slip your hand in between hismouth and carpet and say NO...or use a squirt bottle...but make sure tosquirt them while their in the act of chewing, or else they won't getit...
Have you tried pepper? I had to try it withAthena and it worked like a charm. You take regular black pepper andsprinkle it everywhere they chew. Athena went to her favorite spot,took one sniff and decided her willow stick smelled and tasted better.


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