Between a rock and a hard place...

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Active Member
Aug 7, 2009
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, Michigan, USA make a [beginning of a] long story short, me and my mom went out to a pet store to buy some hay for Sunny, and, they had rabbits there. So of course, me must playz wif teh bunz.!


I noticed there was about 6 buns in a triangular tank with an opened top, so, air ventilation was good. BUT, the tank was big enough for the rabbit (they were all pretty small, all females, different breeds and bonded well) to take 6-10 hops from one side to the other. It seemed is if they had nothing to do, so they just decided to sleep, and they were all in one corner, sleeping almost on top of each other, in a little bun-pile.

Now, I've been wanting a new rabbit (preferably female), and & willing to take the time to bond her/him with Sunny.

So, I really wanted one from the pet store (I know, they're usually sick or something), but got to thinking about the sickness issue.

So then I thought to just adopt from my local humane society.

Now here's where the issue comes at hand..

I don't like the fact of those rabbits being all bunched up together, with nothing to do, and think I could make a good and better-loving- home for one of them.

But then again, it probably is just contributing to the whole "puppy (using that as an example) mill" or backyard breeder issue.

So, I need your guys' opinion. What would you do? It's kind of like 2 different types of rescues.

Thanks for your opinions.
I'm always against buying from a pet store. It seems like rescuing at the time, but really, you're just encouraging them to get more and more buns from backyard breeders. I would only buy from a pet store if the bun was in immediate danger, and it sounds like these ones aren't. In fact, they're probably expected to sell within a few weeks, which is why the stores don't bother to provide them with anything to do (not that that's an excuse). I think you'd be better off calling up the manager and explaining that buns need toys to play with and maybe they'll listen. For now, at least they have lots of bunny company.

I would stick to shelters or reputable breeders and skip the pet store buns.

ETA: I've bought gerbils from a pet store and gerbils from a breeder. All of the pet store gerbils lived very short lives and were not friendly. The ones I got from breeders were healthy, happy, and friendly. Just one more reason not to bother with pet stores.
I sort of have a unique perspective as a breeder....

I believe in rescues and in adopting rabbits from a rescue -and my own Zeus was adopted from a rescue.

But the fact is - that even rabbits in pet store situations need homes..and rabbits from there could wind up going to a rescue in a few weeks or months if someone who doesn't understand bunnies adopts one and then decides they don't want it.

I think the biggest thing in adding a bunny to your home isn't so much about WHERE you get it - as it is about "is this the right bunny for me and is this the right home for that bunny?"

Personality makes up a big part of the relationship - not just looks - and if you find the "right" bunny that your heart is drawn to....I don't think it matters as much about where you got that rabbit as it does that you have the right rabbit for you.

Hope this helps some!
I will openly admit I'm awful in these kinds of situations. I have a really hard time listening to my voice of reason and just jump at my heart is telling me. Which is why I recently decided to stop going into pet stores all together.

I personally highly suggest not purchasing the pet store rabbit because;
  • It's likely ill and a potential hazard to your other rabbit's
  • In the stores eyes, by purchasing this animal you are showing you support their actions and want to keep them "re-stocking". You will be taking one life out of a sad situation but ultimately condemning another for the same fate.
When going through a reputable rescue you are saving more than one life. First the life of the rabbit you adopt, second the life of the rabbit that will be saved now that a space has opened up. You do not need to worry about illness, problems from recent neglect, and will be told the rabbit's temperament. The rabbit will also likely already be altered.


Yeah, I kind of guessed that:/. I guess it's supply & demand.
Though, I still feel bad for them. Atleast animals in shelters have people there, and visiting them. Though, it is just having them buy more from a byb.

Put it to ya this way...

They are currently in fairly good surroundings at this point in time, so there is nothing urgent here.

There is no doubt that each and every one of those bunnies will be sold at some point.... likely to someone who hasn't got a clue about bunnies. A few might luck out, most won't.

upwards of 75% of those babies you saw today will wind up in the shelter, turned loose, or sold because someone "moved" on your local classifieds.

Based on this logic, you can be the true saviour for one of those neglected little ones. I don't worry about the pet store buns who go to a good home. I worry about the ones who wind up with careless, callous owners, who ditch them once the cute baby turns into a teenage bun.

So, for my $0.02, I'd search through the shelters and online ads. Those are yesterday's pet shop buns, if you know what I mean. They are the ones who truly need you...and will be very thankful for you.

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