Better Sexing Pics?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Yokosuka, , Japan
I was wondering if anyone had good sexing pics. I am trying to get the sex of this new Bunny and it is really small. I am worried because it has been living with 3 males that have just reached maturity. I think it is about 5 weeks old or so (weighs about 1 lbs).
Do you have pictures of the baby? I could help you figure it out if you get a few clear pictures.

Aside from that, all four of these rabbits should be separate. Unaltered males that have reached sexual maturity should be separated immediately, I often have to separate them by 8 or 10 weeks! Otherwise, they'll constantly be mounting each other, which can quickly snowball into the death.

In addition, babies should not be housed with unaltered males either, for the same reason. The buck could pin the kit to the ground, which can be terrifying. The kit will either fight back or quickly become a really frightened, skittish rabbit. Neither of which you want to happen!
Oh also to add, look at the vent area (the part closest to the belly). If it appears to be a round circle, it's a buck. Does will have an elongated slit.

Both sexes' genitals may protrude, so just because that happens doesn't mean it's a buck. If the protrusion is a round, tube-like, it's a buck. A doe's genitals will appear as a pyramid from the side.

Maybe that will help?
Ok i have some pics. I am looking for definative proof that it is a female as we are looking to get a friend for her tomorrow.



Thats what i am thinking. The place we got her at doesnt usually seperate them so you have to go and look. i guess i guessed wrong. It was real easy to tell we had boys before. I guess im am getting another bunny tomorrow.
Is it maybe just worth waiting until all are spayed and neutered? and then rebonding?

The worry is that you potentially get another bunny who may or may not be struck by the gender fairy, thus you then having two more single bunnies, or else they fight when they get to adolesnce and you have to separate them anyway.

If you DO get another bunny make sure you show us pictures :D
I have been looking at a few at the same store. they are in short supply now but the have one that i like. She is a she, i checked really good. They only problem is a few health things, like poo on bum and a little runny eyes. I think she would be alright.
We'll be looing around in the morning for a friend. I did think of just waiting but she will not have contact with them except through the cage and i think she will become lonely and depressed as she seems to be. She can see them and they are interested in her, but she has no interest in them.

If i wait she will have to wait about 2 more months, as i need to neuter Trix.

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