Best 3 rabbit combo?

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Wollongong, , Australia
I'm desperately wanting another bunbun. We have two females, one Mini-Lop (Willoughby) and one dwarf lop (Daphne) both are just under a year old.

Im wondering whether it would be good to have a male to go with the two females or whether another female would work. We got the two girls seperately, within months of each other and they bonded pretty well. A bit of scuffling etc. but no real issues.

So what would the best combo be?
I would think male, but I am not sure if I am right. I am bumping this up, hopefully you will get a response from someone who has experience bonding 3 buns. Good luck!
It's usually easiest to bond a male to a female than a female to a female. Females tend to want to be the dominant bunny in a bonded pair/group, so it can be hard to bond multiple females.
Thanks. Im trying to talk my boyfriend into it, he thinks taht with 4 piggies and 2 bunnies we have enough. But I really would love another bunny! I have a seperate cage that im going to keep him in until he's old enough to de-sex. Plus I really want to have a bunny that is tame. Daphne and Willoughby are great but dont like me much.. :( ocassionally Daphne will let me pat her, but its very rare. Willoughby is a bit easier.. but they never approach me.
How long have you had Daphne and Willoughby? May be they will warm up to you more. Also, when you give treats, try to feed it to them by them coming to you. That will get them to associate you with good things. I can call my buns now from anywhere in the house and they will come to me because usually when I call them, it is because I want them to go somewhere and they know they will get a treat. When I first started it, they weren't real sure about it. I would hold out my arm as far as it would go to try to give them a treat and would say "here". They now think here means treat. If I saw here, they will coming running and tend to run me over.

You can also try to sit on the floor when they are out. Sit there and read a book or watch TV. It may take awhile but they will get curious and come over to check you out. At first they might not get close, but they will get braver.

If you want more ideas on bonding with them, you can post another tread about it. I think there is something in the library under rabbits 101 about bonding with your bunny.

Good luck.
Thanks so much! I've had Willoughby since Jan and Daphne since about marchish. Ive been sititng out there with them, but Daphne half ignores me, Willougby gets curious and comes and will put his paws on my leg etc. and will let me pat him. He let me put two hands on him today which was great, I put a little more pressure as to pick him up, and when he reacted badly i let him go and just kept touching him with two hands.
I have had my two buns for 6 and 7 years now. They will both still run from me if I try to pick them up. Some buns just don't like to be picked up. But they will still lay next to me and let me pet them.

I would try the treats with Daphne. Even if it is something she usually get. Like if she loves pellets, put some of those by you. If she loves veggies, hand feed her some of those. For my buns, a treat is usually a carrot or a craisin. A carrot you can even hold onto one end while she eats the other. That way she can't steal the treat and run.
Daphy is very funny, she often isn't as excited as the others about treats. more often then not if im handing out treats she stays in the cage and doesnt look interested. I'll try and get more variety of veggies and see if there is anything that appeals to her. Im gonna keep working on it, im trying to spend as much time with them as possible :)

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