Behavior changed

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Feb 26, 2023
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
Hi guys. Here with yet another post about Alice. This time it's not bad, just unusual.
So about a month ago, my other rabbit Domino passed in her sleep. She was in a cage in the spare room due to an injury, and Alice was in another cage in the room. This was to prevent biting through the bars because they are both unspayed, unbounded, and territorial. Alice was to be let out the next day, and Domino would come in my room to be monitored, but unfortunately she passed while she was sleeping. I'm not sure if this had any affect on Alice or not, as Alice seemed to hate her (but Domino loved her, always grooming her in their few interactions). Ever since that night, Alice has been acting different.
In the 4 years I've had her for, she has never, EVER flopped in front of me outside her cage (her safe space). She has since flopped on my bed twice. She has also NEVER binkied indoors (she only does outside on leash). She has since half-binkied a few times in my room. She has also been very clingy, constantly asking for pets, begging for treats, climbing all over me when she hears crinkles. Some nights she stays in my room and she sleeps on the bed next to me. Sometimes even during the day she will sleep on my bed. AND SHE STARTED GROOMING ME, which she has NEVER DONE. She only ever licks plushies or pillows, but started licking my clothes and even hands.
I feel honored, but I'm not used to this behavior. Is there a reason she changed? Has she noticed my stress or depressed mood? Is it something hormonal (since she's unspayed)? I'm not complaining, I'm really loving the affection. I'm just shocked. She's so different!! Sure, she's been loving, but not like this! I'm kind of overwhelmed tbh, lol!
Image attached: her first ever flop in my presence. Her mouth is ditty in the pic but clean now.


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Unfortunately some rabbits just aren't good to be around each other, causing this ongoing territorial tension, and this can affect their whole attitude and interactions, including with you. It does sound like she wasn't happy with your other rabbit. Probably made her feel aggravated and territorial all of the time. Seems like she's letting that tension go and is able to relax now.
Unfortunately some rabbits just aren't good to be around each other, causing this ongoing territorial tension, and this can affect their whole attitude and interactions, including with you. It does sound like she wasn't happy with your other rabbit. Probably made her feel aggravated and territorial all of the time. Seems like she's letting that tension go and is able to relax now.
The tension part makes a lot of sense. They were actually away from each other since the summer time, as Alice was indoors and Domino was outdoors (NOT my choice, forced by my parents, but a post for another time). Although Domino was often in my room and in the house other rooms, using Alice's harness and toys too. None of those at the same time as Alice, but I'm sure the scent lingered, on me and my bed and my room and the items. I can definitely see that she's like, "that smell is finally gone, this room and this human are all mine" lol. Lucky for Alice, I don't plan on getting another rabbit for a *long* time. Even if I did and got her spayed too, she's very antisocial and probably wouldn't ever bond with another rabbit. She loves people but not other animals or bunnies. So I'll respect her (and also my bank account) and she'll be solo from now on :]

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