Bed Wetting Drama Continued...

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Active Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Lewiston, Maine, USA
So, She has wet the bed every night for two weeks... I catch her and scold her and put her on the floor. She ignores me for hours after this and it brakes my heart :(

I just now was loving the cat and she peed right next to us... I assume this is out of jealousy. She has only peed in the bed during the day one other time and it was the same scenario.

The bed is the only place they share space. The bun has her own toys and a cardboard house and her own cage. They have each chosen a piece of furniture that is "theirs" so the only time they are competing for space and attention is when we are all in bed...

Should I spray the mattress with vinegar?? should I just wait it out and stay consistent with the scolding??

I really want her on the bed with me, that is our best snuggle time :(

Please help, I am getting really discouraged :(

How old is your bunny? If she is young, then it may be wise to wait until litter training is firmly ingrained. My older buns never pee on the bed. Young rabbits, yes.
We have a similar problem and are trying to understand how our bunny's brain works. She will occasionally pee on the bed for no apparent reason. We know it's not an accident because she never does it anywhere else, only on the bed. She (Daisy Mae) likes to be on the bed with us at nite and we have 2 cats who also like to lounge on the bed.. we don't know if she does it because she'sunhappy aboutthe cats, unhappy with us for some reason or something totally unrelated. This is the onlybad behavior she exhibits, she is otherwise a very sweet and loving li'l bun.....
You could try taking her off the bed for a few weeks. Maybe in that time the fascination with peeing on it will stop and she will learn that its YOUR bed and she is just a guest there.

Then, when you allow her back on, it will be really obvious that its not her space to claim.
this is kind of a strange question and i dont mean for it to seem so personal,.when u change sheets ,do u rewash the same sheets and put them back on the bed ?,,or put on another set??
..i just thought that maybe we can start over fresh and flip the mattress over ,then put on either new sheets that she hasnt been on ...or bleach a set . hafta get new pillows too ..cuz any, any, any scent that triggered this in the first place left behind anywhere on that bed will trigger her to pee again..and then ur running out of sides to flip the mattress on...hehe...this is what id do...let us know what u do im curious..
im not sure scolding is gonna do anything but make her withdrawal from u a little...i think what shes doin is more natural instinct ....has ur cats ever peed on that bed in the past??? ..or does she pee up toward the pillow area? cuz if its up toward the pillow she prob smells where u mightve sweat ..(yes we all sweat when we sleep )..norm washing of the sheets works for human noses but not critters...

in the past i had quite a few male roommates and i had a spayed cat that no matter what if any male roommate left a dirty shirt on their bedroom floor ..she would pee on that was hard to deal with...the smell and trying to apologize to the roommates all the time...they eventuallly shut their door....but she never peed on any of my dirty laundry or when my mom stayed with me ...she never did on hers either....maybe she really liked the musky smell of a man....weird cat.
Flash Gordon wrote:
this is kind of a strange question and i dont mean for it to seem so personal,.when u change sheets ,do u rewash the same sheets and put them back on the bed ?,,or put on another set??
..i just thought that maybe we can start over fresh and flip the mattress over ,then put on either new sheets that she hasnt been on ...or bleach a set . hafta get new pillows too ..cuz any, any, any scent that triggered this in the first place left behind anywhere on that bed will trigger her to pee again..and then ur running out of sides to flip the mattress on...hehe...this is what id do...let us know what u do im curious..
I use another set and I have washing the spot and then spraying it with fabreeze. I hadn't thought to flip the mattress, that is a great idea.

something I think is kinda odd... I fall asleep on the couch sometimes, she lays there with me too. She has never peed on the couch. The cat is on the couch with me too... I thought it was territorial, and it still may be, but I thought it was more about the cat than about the actual bed...

I'll flip the mattress and let you know how that works out!

just make sure u start fresh with all the bedding or ur not gonna fix the prob....bleaching ur sheets is the only thing that will get out her pee still smell it even after u vinegar or febreeze,,,..maybe instead of ruining ur colored sheets with bleach or buying new...flip the mattress cover the bed with maybe a table cloth or i dont know towels and put her on there with u for awhile ..see if that works...if it does then bleach or ur goin shopping for some new sheets..hehe..good luck.
Yes I was thinking about using the flat sheets that I never use??

she actually usually pees on top of me, where the cat curls up when we are asleep... she peed on the pillow my boyfriend uses but never on or near mine.

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