Beans did the cutest thing

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Queens, New York, USA
So I created a homemade cage with no barriers. How you ask....well i went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of $1 bathroom mats. I arranged them in my bedroom and put a litter box, food dish and hidey thing around it. This is where I keep Beans now. (well, i rotate her and marshy) Rice is too much of an adventurer and would wander off the rugs. But Beans and Marshy are good girls and won't run on to the wood floor. Except for this morning. Beans finally discovered that she can leap from the rug onto my bed at 6:00 this morning. All of a sudden I hear "ka dunk." I wake up to see Beans sitting on my bed staring at my face. I was sooooo tired that I wasn't even impressed at the time and shooed her off. 10 minutes later..."ka dunk." There she was again. This time I took the time to notice the amazing leap she's been making to wake me up at 6:00 a.m. (2 hours before I normally wake up). She is such a cutey. :D Now she can be my personal alarm clock and get my outta bed earlier so I'm not racing around like a mad woman every morning.
Now if you could train her to make coffee.........:caffeine

Pet_Bunny wrote:
Mine is still asleep, when I get up. ;)

WAKE UP BUNNY!!! :zzzzz

Rainbows! :D

I USED to be able to sneak in on my sleeping buns, but some bunnie always hears me now.
When I had Pebbles in my room she would watch me and as soon as she saw me move she would start to make noise (Wether it was 3:00 or 9:00 all depended!- so I tried not to move ;)).

I lost so much sleep- [note to self- never have a bunnt around where I sleep!]
Yea I thought it was so cute. She is such a wonderful bunny. (my heart bunny)

I'm surprised at how well the "cage" is working out. She seems to be a lot happier too than when I rotated them into the bathroom, which is really small. (I was left with few choices when Tank came. He absolutely needs to be caged.) But it only works with Beans and Marshy. I tried to keep Rice there and when i left and came back i found her on top of my t.v. She's my little goat. She climbs on top of EVERYTHING!!
Spring wrote:
When I had Pebbles in my room she would watch me and as soon as she saw me move she would start to make noise (Wether it was 3:00 or 9:00 all depended!- so I tried not to move ;)).

I lost so much sleep- [note to self- never have a bunnt around where I sleep!]
Sometimes (mostly weekends) I'll try to sneak past the bunnie room and into the den with my coffee, but I usualy get spotted. The racket that follows is really quite amusing..
baby keys fly
Food bowls get tossed
Tootsie "surfs" across her pen
Binkie runs the BUNNY 500
Chippy & Benji hop back and forth real fast in their cages
Brindle puts her paws up on the cage and sucks her little cheeks in trying to look starved
The others just enjoy the entertainment!!
:laugh:I need to see the mornings at your household! Once Pebbles was moved with Pepsi, she now makes noise and wakes up my parents (their bedroom is right on top of the bunny room). I have a tough decission of who to feed in the morning. It's usually Pebbles because she makes the biggest noise racing around her cage, and I try to shut her up with hay. She's on a table that'sprettyoldso it makes a LOT of noise LOL.

Both my girls are pretty grumpy in the late mornings ;)
Whenever I go out to see my girls they are up already :Dthey're outdoor bunnies so we don't hear much noise from them BUT they do greet me with their little paws up on the mesh and I can just imagine their little tails wagging at me! ;)
Aww, I'm so sorry about Beans.

I hope that soon your tears will be replaced with smiles when you think of the cute or funny things she did.

Hugs to you,


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