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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. a bit confused as to whatexactlyyoure asking, newmommieof4, so ill answer as best as ican.

nutri-cal is a "food supplement," im only giving it to himbecause he was just neutered to try &im trying to gethis appetite up.i got it in the cat section at petsmart. inaddition to buntys post,thishas more on it, thanks to buck jones. it shouldnt be fedregularly (i.e. it wont be stopped to give "adult food") but if thishelps, i gave batman mostly pellets and some veggies until he was about5 months old, then i got him onto a diet consisting of pellets in themorning and veggies at night. i dont think theres such a thing as toomuch hay, but a hay rack is probably sufficient. good luck with yourbuns surgery-itll be fine! if you have a good vet, im sure theresnothing to worry about!
newmommieof4 wrote:
Is this nutri cal something you give to your bun after surg? And if sodo you get it from a pet shop? One more thing sorry... whendo you stop giving him nutri cal and when do you give the buns "adultfood" what age? Does anyone give there buns them pellets that havetimothy hay in them as there Reg food? I have seen them at the petstore not sure if thats too much "hay" even if they are also feedingoff a hay rack. Glad to hear your bunny is ok im making a appt nextweek for my lil one to go in im dreading it :( I'll be sick to mystomach for the next week
Nutri Cal / Nutri Stat is a high calorie food supplement for dogs/catsthat are not eating well or have a poor appetite. I've foundit's a good supplement for rabbits during stressful periods as it alsohas complex B vitamins which stimulate appetite. The codliver oil seems to really help encourage a sluggish gut.

The product is not meant as a food for youngbunnies. Bunnies begin to munch on hayand regular pellets as early as 2 weeks when they begin hopping out ofthe nest box. They will continue nursing up until 6-8 weeks,although mother's milk production begins to sharply decline after 21days. A good quality feed provides plenty of nutrients forgrowing babies, although some breeders add a small amount of calf manna(high protein milk pellet). I don't recommend the timothybasedpellet for young bunnies -- the timothy based pellet isbetter suited to older or pet rabbitswhich do not have thesame nutritional requirements as growing bunnies or productionrabbits. Commercial production pellets are alfalfabased. There havebeen arguments onwhether or not a rabbit can have too much fiber, and whether or notadding additional hay serves as a filler and disrupts the nutritionalbalance of the feed. I feed a handful of hay or straw dailyto young bunnies.

Ok ok i was just wondering cause my bun isonLM animal farms rabbit food. I didnt know if after 6mo heshould go to different food, i see food for adult rabbits in the store.I guess he can stay on this. I was courious about that nutri cal...buti guess if he is eating ok and drinking after surgery i wont worry andkeep him on his reg food...that was my only?'s hesabout 6mo old now i didnt know how much greens he should be getting nowi only feed him once a day and it lasts him... its about 1/2 of a cupor a lil more can i give him his pellets in the am then give him a dishof greens at night?

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