Banging in the night

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Fiver is sooo cute.

Bo, That's better than what Flopsy does. They're indoor bunnies and atm I'm sleeping on a matress with no bed frame(they get under the bed, and the bed frame was too much of a pain in the arse). My face is right next to their water bowl. If I sleep too late, Flopsy puts her hind legs in the water and flicks them on me. I'm not even kidding, it's freaking ridiculous. I tried moving the water bowl, but they pooped in it to show they weren't pleased with that arrangement, so I just have to deal with it, >.<
Hazel wrote:
Fiver is sooo cute.

Bo, That's better than what Flopsy does. They're indoor bunnies and atm I'm sleeping on a matress with no bed frame(they get under the bed, and the bed frame was too much of a pain in the arse). My face is right next to their water bowl. If I sleep too late, Flopsy puts her hind legs in the water and flicks them on me. I'm not even kidding, it's freaking ridiculous. I tried moving the water bowl, but they pooped in it to show they weren't pleased with that arrangement, so I just have to deal with it, >.<

LOL!:laughsmiley: That's a classic example of how bunnies have us all 'slaved up'.;)

Whatever they want, they find a way of getting! If we don't come down early enough to feed them, SnowBarn will be ok and just sleep late, but Mouse and Chalk will clear out their cage. They'll push EVERYTHING off of the levels- hay, tunnel, hidey box, toys, even sometimes very occasionally the water bowl, although we've usually woken up by then! They also dig out their ENTIRE litter box and move both the litter boxes to the middle of the cage....:scared:

Cheeky buns!:p
We pretty much have the litterbox strapped in, otherwise they like to tip it over when they get angry... >.<

Buns are ridiculous. They always crack me up with their ways of communicating. I'm glad my buns don't have lvls to their NIC cage, Hazel would figure out a way to disband them... I swear she's an engineer. We couldn't find a door that Hazel couldn't open for their NIC cage... we have to put their travel case in front so when they open it, they can't get out.... it's crazy.
When people say "Oh what good are bunnies? they just sit in a cage.... yeah they're cute for a few days...."

I just laugh and tell them they have no clue! Bunnies are VERY intelligent! and very BOSSY sometimes LOL!

Exactly!! I always try to explain and they never listen. I'm just like... ok, just make sure you never get your child a rabbit or something, you won't be able to handle it, :p
i read a lot about bunnies when i first got my rabbits...and i read that they are most active during twilight early in the morning before sunrise and late at night..i use to have the same problems with dumbo and latte...where one of them would have a sudden burst of energy at night where they would run around the cage in circles like 10 times...its nothing to worry about..
I know!!! My family have no clue! They literally laugh at me when I say that my bunnies show me affection by licking me, and they jump onto the sofa and snuggle close to me while I'm watching tv or something.
They won't even listen when I tell them that when my buns want attention they'll come up and nudge me or follow me and poke my ankles when they want a groom!!

I tell them that my bunnies have such different personalities and that I think they love me as much as I love them. They just laugh and say 'but they are just bunnies; they can't show that kind of affection'.
We have four puppies and two kittens too, and they say all that kind of stuff about them, but they just won't believe me about my bunnies!
It is SOOOOOO infuriating!

I don't think anyone will appreciate or understand rabbits until they own one. Even then it's not good enough.
I was talknig to one of my friends and she was like 'you have two bunnies? But doesn't ur mum clean them out and feed them adn stuff?'
'No.....they're mine'
'Doesn't she pay for everything???'
' they are mine....I look after them'
'What??? You have to do everything for them??'
'....yes that is why I call them MY rabbits, and that's why I say I LOVE them.' can u own a rabbit if al u do is go to them once a day and stroke them for two minutes???

Sorry for hijacking the thread lol just had to get that out of my system. :)
LOL, the whole time I was reading this post I was smiling because I too know all about thumping in the middle of the night!! My little wrigley is now 9 mo old, there is not one night that goes by that this goof-ball is not thumping, sometimes its 2-3 times a night!! I don't know what his problem is, I thought that maybe something was scaring him, so I have covered his pen with a blanket, so he couldnt see shadows and stuff shining in from the front window, that hasn't helped!! LOL I am just wondering now after reading the other post if he is angry. He is out running the house 12-13 hours out of the day, I'm wondering now if he get angry or bored in that little pen overnight. Hmmmm, crazy rabbits!!! LOL
Thanks for all your replies. I don't even mind that the thread was hijacked: maherwoman- how cute are your bunnies!!??

However, last night little Roxy was banging for 2 HOURS straight (from 4-6am)and my other half is threatening to get rid of her or worse!:shock: I had started covering her hutch so that she could not see anything that might scare her but she just doesn't stop! We spent last night looking out the window to see if we could sopt what might have been making a noise but could see nothing.

I'm pretty sure it's because she wants to be in the house with us. She would make a fantastic house bunny but it is just not practical for us, plus we have wooden floors which she won't walk on!! She does comedy sliding across it!

I know that you won't be able to give me more advise than what you've given me, but I think I'm hoping for someone to say that she will eventually stop. We have had her for 3 and a half weeks now so she must be used to her new home.

Thanks again :biggrin2:
Hmm...well I am not too sure.

My Benji used to thump every night...and once we found a fox nose to nose with him, and my dad (it was about 3 in the morning!) ran outside to scare it off. All the other times there have been nothing. My family made (idle) threats to get rid of him if he didn't stop. They didn't mean it but were annoyed. I went down to him every time he thumped....whether in the middle of the night or not. After aweek of constant thumpingand being comforted it reduced to every other day for a month, and then he stopped. Every now and then....once every couple of weeks he will thump, and Pippin will join in :X, but I just go down to see them (If i hear...sometimes my parents in the morning are like 'they are thumping last nite!').

I think it will stop. I didn't really do anything to have made Ben stop..but he did eventually. Give it a few months. Don't worry about it now (unless it's annoying ur neighbours...) and just wait a few months and then if it hasn't stopped think about another strategy. :)