Bald spots near mouth and chin?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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So i have spotted it quite many times before, that my bun has a double-chin(dewlap) thingy so his fur is prone to being matted or stained near that area.

Recently, however, i have spotted those matted tufts of hair get attached to a flaky, crusty patch of skin below that are rough. They seem to be annoying him in some way as well.
When i very gently pulled those crusty strands upward, they came loose, sometimes with or without the flaky skin, leaving a whopping red ring around his mouth.

I know it's partially my fault for picking at it and making it worse, but it's better than him scratching his chin to bleeding, i think.
Just for a little side note though, that area, along with his nose and the split-lip place(right under the nose) are wet. Partially from breathing, i guess, but i'm not so sure.

I have to try asking other bunny parents' advice before i go complaining to my own, unless i want them to brush the worry off.
If it is truly abnormal and can't be helped at home, i will try to email the vet the pic, although i'm not so sure how good connected theg are via internet.


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Hey? Anybody have any idea?
If that area is staying moist, it could be the skin is developing a bacterial or fungal infection causing the flaky crusty skin and fur loss.

If the area below the chin continues to stay moist and it's not just from drinking water, you'll want to make sure it's not from drooling caused by a dental issue.
How do i check if he's drooling? Or dental issues? His front teeth are quite normal, no abnormalities in cheeks or eyes it seems, and it's hard to check his molars. He is eating hay, especially fresh, with great pleasure though so i don't know if it's a dental issue or not.
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Does the fur under his chin stay wet most of the time or is it usually dry under there?
If he hasn't been flopping head-first in his water, it's usually rather dry. He hasn't been drinking or slouching in his water bowl for some while, so now, his chin skin is warm and just a tad bit moist, not quite wet.
How do i check if he's drooling? Or dental issues? His front teeth are quite normal, no abnormalities in cheeks or eyes it seems, and it's hard to check his molars. He is eating hay, especially fresh, with great pleasure though so i don't know if it's a dental issue or not.
You can't check molars yourself. Even a rabbit vet looking with an otoscope can miss stuff. I hope you have a good rabbit vet there, worth going for a proper dental check.
They're not the best kind, i don't think, but they're the closest we have in 30 km. Rabbit survived ear mite treatment and neuter, latyer without afterwards painkillers, bjt he's alive still, so the vet isn't at least HORRIBLE. Farther than that and we'd be expecting an unknow situation on the vet part and at least an hour long ride, which Rabbit will not be happy about.
Is a tad bit moist chin skin a possible sign of danger? How about nose moisture? Are rabbits' noses supposed to be completely dry all on the outside like humans' or wet-ish like cats' and dogs' noses?
Bunny skin should be dry including the nose. If your bunny is the one in your profile pic (lop) I would suspect there may be a dental problem. Ah, not having good rabbit vets around is the worst! Hope you find some answers.
Yeah, he is my lop on the profile pic. Anyway, i guess i'll try to email the vet about my problem and see what they think. I really don't want his health going downhill despite him being not even a year old. But i guess health problems don't discriminate anybody.
Picture shows his 'current' situation. Redness is gone, but other stuff remains. Also, are these front teeth too long?15781292987112634983043564310240.jpg 15781291690303769022219983290786.jpg
I'm not a vet but those front teeth look ok to me. However, that doesn't mean there aren't any spurs on the molars.
Well, i'll then go ahead and email the vet, see how and if they reply. I talked to my dad about Musti's facial stuff and he told me to stop overthinking. I don't know what to think about it....
Now it turns out that writing to the vets is impossible, they have no email address. The only thing they have is "write us a feedback" box but i don't think that's the right place to write. I'm bugged about calling to the front desk as well because the vet office seldom understands estonian.... and i don't understand russian well.
I think you will need to take bunny in to the vet, there is nothing they can say without examination.
If he’s not yet a year old, and he’s eating his food and hay with no problems, then it may not be his back teeth.
Do you ever notice him rubbing his chin against things?
No, he is seldom territorial, he hasn't rubbed his chin onto anything. He still can't stop digging soft surfaces though... The flaky thing first emerged a couple weeks back... Luckily he eats drinks and poops normal.
i can't take him to the vet, school schedule gets in the way, bus traffic sucks, vet closes early, bun would die of shock when brought to school for the meantime(pretty sure that's prohibited in the first place) and my dad, the usual driver, thinks that his situation is only due to the rabbit sticking his chin into the water....
I'm lost on what to do.
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The incisors look fine to me. And actually the chin doesn't look that bad. Could he just have gotten some food in the fur and that caused the crustiness? If it's staying dry now and the skin doesn't look red and irritated, I would maybe just keep an eye on it for now. If it's staying wet and/or you notice continued irritation to the skin, then you will need to figure out what to do next.
Please remember bunnies have a whopping 28 teeth! Insane right! A front visual exam at home or at the vets office will never show them all. My buns were put under very light anesthesia so the vet could look all the way in. Mine had back teeth issues and needed to be filed. I never would have known and even a regular vet took a quick look and said they were fine. I went to a bunny savvy vet and boom. He showed me the issues. He said that’s why it’s so important for them to have the hay and chew sticks and things.. to help grind those teeth down. He also said it’s important to have the teeth checked every 2-3 years.
*** Anesthesia for rabbits is super risky so be sure to go to an experienced bunny vet. I’m thinking it’s a teeth thing with yours.
Could someone point to me what the incisors are? Also, no, his nose and chin have been moist/wet on and off for about a week, crustiness for about two or so. It stops huge rednessbwhen i leave it be, but he scratches it so it will be back to redness. His fur seems to be slooowly regenerating, or maybe just leftover tufts from crust shedding, i don't know. He has no foods that could get stuck, he's a crazy meticulous cleaner. Everywhere he rests his head to leaves a wet splurge and even if i dry his face, it will still be moist sometime later. Sometimes i wonder if he cleans himself tok much. Is that a thing?
I can't take him to the vet myself, told the issues already, and my parents won't heed to my worries, thinking that i'm overreacting. I really am lost on what to do.

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