Baking spray- is it dangerous?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2014
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Hello! I baked some rabbit treats and we didn't have any baking sheets so we used a little bit of baking spray so the treats wouldn't stick to the pan. Will this harm the bunnies? Is it toxic or dangerous?
It shouldn't be.

You didn't say what brand you're asking about, but I looked at the ingredients to PAM, which is probably the best known, and it's basically soybean oil, with a little flour and other stuff which should be harmless. It's sold to be eaten, after all, and you don't use all that much of it anyway.
Check the ingridients but, odds are it's some sort of plan based oil, alcohol and possibly flour. The alcohol would cook out in baking so, no worries about that. Now if it has silicone, teflon or any other non food sounding stuff, see about that specifically before feeding it to rabbits.

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