Bailee's Buns

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Yield wrote:
she's making me clean my room or I can't go to the concert I ALREADY BOUGHT TICKETS FOR on Friday.

Which is kinda a douche-move. Seriously?

I already have the tickets. It's just rude.

Okay.... I have to agree that isn't cool. I guess I would be extremely mad if things fell through on a plan because some one pulled rank on me.

How much cleaning do you have to do? Is this an 'or' situation; Clean your room, or youcan't go? Or is more of an 'and' situation; Clean your room, and you still can't go to the concert?

Might have to weigh that out a bit...

yeah :/

Like it's totally unfair, I bought these tickets many months ago. I've been waiting for this concert for a LONG time.

It's "Clean your room or you can't go."
But still. :/

I have to clean my very large room, which has grown messy due to the busy last couple weeks I have had. Think about it, I have a queen bed, 3 windows with cubbies, 3 book shelves, 2 desks, a huge dresser, a two seater couch, a cushiony chair, two nightstands, two large rabbit pens/cages in two of the cubbyholes and extending out, etc in my room.

Okay.. sounds way bigger than it really is. But it's much larger than a normal room. It's above the garage. So I have quite a bit to clean. :/ and ALL by Friday? My mom is so nit-picky, and I'm gunna think it's clean and she's gunna be like "Oh. Not clean enough." :/
Doing homework, or cleaning? Just noticed you were online/on the forum. I thought to myself, "She can't be going through the forum with so many important things to do..." (lol) Hope you get to go to the concert. Sounds like it might be fun!!
Lol c: I didn't clean my room but I ended up going XD It was fun!
I took the buns downstairs to see the Christmas tree today!

Sabriel was more like "MOMMY I DON'T LIKE THE SLIPPERY FLOOR" and kept crawling on me XD

Solara was all curious and eager to explore, but terrified of Lady.

We ended up taking Silas outside instead of to the tree, because he's never been out there before. He loved digging in the snow and stuff!

(He stayed dry though! I felt his feet and belly!)

He is allowing me to pick him up now ♥
Cuddling pics of Silas laying with me! ♥



And our Christmas tree! (before decoration =])
Kiba-the 53 lb Shiba Inu is standing to the right of it~

Anddddd... a pic of me =]
Snow pics =D




Silas was a tad confused at first.. XD

But then he started growing more comfortable =P This is the front of our yard.


Look at that chubby bunny =3

Then he started digging =D

But it was a tad muddy so we made him go inside =P he was dry!
Happi Bun wrote:
Oh my gosh, those pictures are gorgeous! :shock:

Why thank you =] My mom took quite a bit of the snow ones because I was holding the buns' leashes, but I edited them to look nicer =]
Nikki_Shortstuff wrote:
Oh my god I wish I had a camera like that! The photos are so crisp and bright! Beautiful bunnies by the way, wish we had snow here in Texas!

I know right? =] I got it.. two Christmas's ago I think. Cause I kept stealing my mom's XD I've very into Photography =]
Thank you!
That stinks =[
I don't really like snow, it's pretty, but too cold! XD
And if it snows on Christmas/Christmas Eve, I'm screwed cause my dad's a landscaper and has to plow snow and/or salt so he'd be out D=

I've been trying to convince my dad to let me get another bunny- because

1. I'd love another, and

2. Silas is sooo depressed lately.

I know he wants to be with Solara and Sabriel, but Sabriel fights with him, and I don't want a trio, three's a crowd, and I don't like the idea of my poor boy being the "third wheel". And, I don't want it to affect Sabriel and Solara's bond.

He's very lonely bunny-wise, I mean, I have to really coax him to get him outta his cage lately. It's sad D=

So anyways, my dad promised that if he wins a certain amount at the casino tonight, that he'll get me another bunny, no questions asked. *crosses fingers* He's quite a lucky guy... the other night, he won enough to pay for my trip to Japan with my class on June 25-July 6.

Of course, if he doesn't win, he and I will still talk about me getting another, but it's just easier if he just wins and I can get the bun, cause I've been trying to convince him for a couple days now and HE IS SO STUBBORN.

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