Bad little bunny :(

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
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Glendale, Arizona, USA
Ok so i rescued Volverine recently...(hes a netherland dwarf) I swear hes the cutest thing in the world so i thought hed be easy to adopt out. He is spoiled rotten compared to his former life(a caged animal in the heat) he now enjoys a fresh bowl of water and food daily with unlimted hay. not to mention a run in the GREENyard at least once or twice a day (late evening and somtimes early morning). But hes such a meanie..he accepts NO affection of any kind. he dosent like to be held or pet. and even worse somtimes he BITES very hard! and everytime i set him on my bed or couch or anywhere to get outta his cage he immediatly pees!!!! its making me crazy right now!! well i guess i'm going to end up keeping him cause theres no way in hell i can tell a potential adopter all these terrible things and have them still want him! please help me....would fixing him help with any of this?


Sounds like Bo. LOL!

I hold Bo's head down if he bites. Bo pees on the bed, just like that. Someone suggested to me to get a shower curtain or vinyl tablecloth and put that on the bed to cover it. I just don't let him up there now.

Some rabbits just don't like being held. Have you gotten down on the floor and let him come up to you? Sometimes that will help them feel better about getting pet.
yah....i'm not putting a shower curtain on my bed for I swear he must get jealous when i take my girls (coco and butterscotch) and we all lay in my bed for a half an hour or so every evening while he sits in his cage because hes a bad boy. he dosent usually bite wen hes outside of his it must be a cage defensive thing?
Oh yeah I bet it is.

Bo smells another bunny (Heidi at that moment) and chomps me! He's so jealous and territorial it's pathetic!

Just give him his space and try to get on his level. Lay on the floor and let him kinda come to you and eventually try to move slow and pet him. He might find he likes to be touched if he's not feeling like he's being attacked. Could be some little kids pestered him or something.
Also keep in mind that from what you have said he hasn't had much socialization. So not to surprising for him to act out.

I was just going to post about my nasty Holland Lop but now my questions are answered.Lol

My soon to be 5 month old Holland Lop rushes at me to bite when i reach in her cage to get her food dish or clean her out.

I can pet her but i don`t trust her either.

I bought her from a lady on PEI without meeting her before i bought her.

Am at my wits end as i got her for breeding but i guess that is out of the question.:X

Sorry for posting this on your post.

Good luck with your bunny too.:)

How old is Volverine? Neutering would definitely help if he is in his teenage stage, but overall, will help anyway.

As JadeIcing mentioned, he hasn't been socialized at all, so this behavior is very typical of that. As you spend more time with him and he is neutered, you should start to see some changes. Try spending time with him in small spaces to start with and slowly expand the space as he behaves.

Is he litter trained? Litter training might help with the peeing on the bed and outside of his cage. Alot of buns do this on soft things, so you can either put the curtain down or not put him on the bed:?.

As for the biting, this may also stop with neutering and socialization, in the meantime, when he bites, make a high pitched "Eeeek" sound, this will let him know that this hurts and hopefully deter him from biting;).

Good Luck with him.
love4bunnies wrote:

I was just going to post about my nasty Holland Lop but now my questions are answered.Lol

My soon to be 5 month old Holland Lop rushes at me to bite when i reach in her cage to get her food dish or clean her out.

I can pet her but i don`t trust her either.

I bought her from a lady on PEI without meeting her before i bought her.

Am at my wits end as i got her for breeding but i guess that is out of the question.:X

Sorry for posting this on your post.

Good luck with your bunny too.:)
Five months...... HORMONES! Bo peed on me every time he saw me at 4 months. He was neutered the minute his little nads appeared! LOL
Also, since he's cage agressive, you should try to only go into his cage when he's out of it - to let him have his area that is totally "his". Let him out to play before you clean his age or put his food in maybe.

You can also start to work with him to get him to trust you - bribing with treats while he is in his cage is always good.

Sounds like you'll just need to work with him for him to come around. And yes, neutering will help.


Sarah8000 wrote:
Definitely neuter him. The behaviour he is showing are signs of hormones! :)

:yeahthat:Sounds like bunny boy needs the snip. Getting him fixed would help, it would get ride of the spraying (some what), and it might make him a bit less aggersive.

My girls kali is like that. She hates being petted or picked up, but if you don't touch her she can be really sweet!!! She has territory issues, but there not to bad.
I resued/adopted a netherland that had never had any socialization either. He had been through two-three onwers already at about six months old. He was as wild as-ok, I have to say it! a hare, and was very cage aggresive. It didn't take me long to figure out he was terrified out of his litle bunny brain of all people. Once he knew I wasn't going to reach in and grab at him everytime I opened his door, he stopped attacking me. After that, we made steady progress. He still doesn't liek to be picked up, but likes to be petted.

I was wondering-when he is getting agresive with you, is he meeting you atthe door ready to attack, or does he huddle at the back for a moment before comign at you? If he huddles first, you have fear-aggresion going on.
Some rabbits do not like people reaching into their cages while they are in there. My foster rabbit Tippy is a good example of this.He's bitten two previous foster parents.He's lunged at me a few times. Tippy is neutered. I don't think he was well socialized when he was surrendered to the shelter. Anyway,he is now in a cagethat opens from the top. It does help. I'm putting him a pen when I move into my new place. He seemed to like it when I had him in one at a recent adoption event. Also it is best to wait for the rabbit to leave the cage before cleaning. They don't like their space invaded. Just some suggestions.
I've been doing clicker training on Pegasus and Thumper and it really has made a huge difference in their socialization. Thumper was already very social but now she comes when called, which she did not do before. When I say come, I mean COME ! she races to me looking for her treat.

Pegasus was poorly socialized. I don't know if it was abuse or neglect but I suspect at least one of those. He's slower so he doesn't come when called yet but he scrambles for the attention and the inevitable treats that come with clicker training.

They both nuzzle at me like little piggies fighting for space at the trough when it's training time

I think you might be very plesantly surprised at what can be accomplished with clicker training. Besides socialization a bunny that comes when called, will sit up on command and perhaps do a few more tricks is infinitely more adoptable than a bunny that can't.

I have had Mr . Z for almost three years, he was a stray. He hates to be held or picked up. He is spoiled rotten and is a lot of fun. Pick im up and he gets so mad. He has gotten better about not chewing on things and does not pee al over everything. I guess it is whatever happened to him before that set his style.
JamesCarden wrote:
well i guess i'm going to end up keeping him cause theres no way in hell i can tell a potential adopter all these terrible things and have them still want him! please help me....would fixing him help with any of this?


LOL! Volverine knows what he's doing acting like a bad bunny. One of our 10 cats (who we merely rescued from life on the streets with the intention of rehoming) earned a permanent home here by being aggressive towards the other cats. I'm too afraid to adopt her out to anyone else for fear they "wouldn't understand her." hehehe - I think our furry friends have us wrapped around their paws! They know exactly how to behave to get us to keep them.

Oh, and I would adopt him no matter what horrible things you said about him...if I lived closer and could make the trip to AZ. He's tooooooooooo freakin' cute for his own good! But, alas, you've got him on the other side of the country...

Unless you want to bring him here to PA :biggrin2:.

I do think neutering will help many of his mood issues. Good luck with the little guy. Oh, and more pics, please. :stikpokeI can't get enough of his cute little face.

-Mary Ellen
Bunnicula wrote:
Oh, and I would adopt him no matter what horrible things you said about him...if I lived closer and could make the trip to AZ. He's tooooooooooo freakin' cute for his own good! But, alas, you've got him on the other side of the country...

Unless you want to bring him here to PA :biggrin2:.

You could fly him to you! I am about to fly Morgan home from Peg's house (in Texas) in about 2-3 months.

What I need to pay for:

$25 for a health certificate from Peg's vet.
$88 for the flight (up to 100lbs).
$25 gas for Peg to get to the airport (going halfs on $50 with Rosie).
then roughly $25-$40 for a transport carrier.

Rough total estimate: $178
to get Morgan home.....if I didn't miss any add-ins there.

Bunnicula wrote:
It is definitely something to think about, and since the weather is cooling off around here will have about 2-3 months to raise the money to fly him to you.

This is, if James still wants to see the little guy off to a great home and hasn't fallen completed head over heels for the little guy by now :p.

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