Bad bunny

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
, North Carolina, USA
Hi all. I had two foster kittens recently. They did not interact with Felipe and were kept in a separate room, but I could tell he resented them. I took them to the shelter to get fixed and brought one back the next day. After that, he seemed FURIOUS! He was kicking his feet at me all the time and dragging his litter box around and pooping where it should have been. No kittens now, but he's been acting "off" for three days. Issues-

1. Not eating as much. Leaving some food behind, not a TON but some. Very unusual.
2. Refusing to go to bed at night. He's free roam when I'm home and usually goes to his cage very easily at night. Now it takes up to a half hour. He's suddenly full of energy and bouncing around the house, racing around.
3. CHEWING! He has always been a carpet chewer but this is insane. Huge patches.

Any ideas? We are going for a check-up at the vet Friday anyway.
Benjamin will act up if he is really pissed off. He chewed a hole in one of my chairs because he was left alone for 6 hours when we were working out of town. He will throw his food dishes and hay around, take his dirt box and empty it. Is his way of letting us know that he didn't "approve"of his treatment. Our last french lop stripped half a wall of wallpaper one day when he was mad, then went into the study and ripped up a large portion of the rug behind the couch. He wasn't the only one peeved when I spotted it, but all was forgiven, you can't stay mad long, they are just lonely and out of sorts.

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