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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Hi this is my 9 week old mini lop! His name is Baci (kisses in Italian) he's been in his new home for a couple of hours and I think he's pretty happy! He ate and drank LOTS of water right away and is exploring his cage. He's the cutest little thing and I love him to pieces already! He is a Valentine's day gift from my boyfriend and I couldn't be happier! :)

And I just watched him do a binky!!! Well I think it was a binky he jumped like a little crazy bunny back and forth 3 times!
Thank you! :)
He's so adorable and energetic! He LOVES his litter box and so far has been using it well already! Hopefully it stays like that lol
I have a question - his feet are kind of yellow underneath. They were that way since last night when I picked him up. I'm not sure if it's pee stains or if it's just like that. Can I try wiping them with a wet towel? Also, he's been drinking a ton of water but I haven't noticed a pee smell. I'm not complaining lol but is the pee supposed to smell bad? He had to have peed since last night.
Those yellow feet will get clean over time, my rabbit had the same thing when I adopted her. As long as you keep the environment clean they will whiten, and you don't need to wash them. Check for wet spots in the litter box and cage, I'm sure he did pee. A vinegar/water 50/50 solution is great for cleaning, it's safe and it gets rid of urine stains in the litter box like nothing else.
Thank you everyone :)
Okay great I was hoping they would go away it looks like he has pee stains! Lol
One more question: I'm currently feeding an alfalfa based pelled (unlimited) and unlimited Timothy hay just because the breeder said she uses Timothy even with the babies. I was going to get alfalfa hay if it's necessary but if it's not I'll continue with the Timothy bc he seems to absolutely love it. I don't want to risk him getting picky with the hay after having the alfalfa hay if he doesn't need it. What do you guys think?
The stains will go away once your bun starts molting, as long as his environment is kept clean. His pee won't be very smelly as a baby, but when his hormones come in it can get a bit strong. If you are going to neuter him, that will usually reduce the smell.

I would stick with the timothy hay. Better for their digestion as it's higher in fiber, and as long as he's getting enough alfalfa based pellets, he doesn't also need alfalfa hay. That can actually make their diet too high in protein and lead to digestive issues like excess cecotropes not being consumed, as well as making it difficult to switch to timothy when he is an adult because buns prefer alfalfa and it can make for picky buns.
Thank you for that! I'll definitely make sure to keep his space clean :) i do plan on neutering him so the odor should hopefully stay down the whole time lol. What age do they start to molt?
Thank you for your response about the hay. I'm glad I wasn't doing anything wrong! :)
Molting usually happens around adulthood, so 4-6 months old for most rabbits, but can vary, and may be later when your bun goes through a heavier molt. So you have several months before the stains will be gone, but it will happen eventually.
Adorable! He reminds me of my younger bun Molly with his markings. She has yellow paws as well. Not so yellow anymore! shes about 12 weeks.

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