baby ducklings???

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
hi i just got 8 duckling's there mom got killed by a cat i just got some feed for them grower/starter but how do i get them to eat i had chicks but ducklings i don't know what to do anyone can give me some tips on them.thank you
Hi Magic_girl,

If you got them some chick starter, they should start to pick at it on their own if you put it in a small shallow dish. Are the ducklings mallards? If so, they should be brought to a wildlife rehabber near your area. (These birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Act, so the general public should not raise them) If the ducklings are not domestic ducks, you should avoid handling them excessively and keep the area quiet to keep them from getting used to people. You can give them a very shallow dish of water and try to make sure they are in a warm area until you can get them to a rehabber. Here is a list of rehabbers in Michigan: Search for the one closest to you.

Good luck! :)
I raise baby ducks and you are on the right track. Ducks NEED water in order to eat or else they will choke. Make sure it is a shallow dish so they do not drown. I put normal-size marbles in the bottom of mine. Dip their beaks in it so they know what itis. They will also need a heat lamp to keep them warm. Do not put it right near them, they will get too hot. Don't put them in water at all right now. Ducks do not create their own oils (which allow them to float) until at least 6 weeks of age. Their mother would apply itto their feathers in the wild. Also, ducks can develop splayed legs if they walk on slippery floors so make sure their floor is not plastic.

I would get them to a wildlife rehabber asap. They need vet care because cat saliva is fatal to ducks if not treated. The babies coud have been bitten or scratched and you may not know it. Good luck! I hope they are ok!
How old are they?
I had ducklings before, not sure what age, but that was years ago. They are soooo cute!! I love em! I want more duckies, but boy are they a hassle when they are free range and can fly!:shock:

Good luck with them!
They should just eat the food themselves, they don't need help. I always wet the food and make it into more of a paste, it is easier for them to eat because they usually drop the dry stuff everywhere. If you really want to give it to them dry then make sure to have water right beside it because they can choke. They should also have a little bowl of water deep enough for them to stick their whole head into, they need it to wash their eyes and unblock their sinuses.

They are very messy, very stinky but very cute, enjoy!
Like Pipwin said, if these are wild ducks you need to call a rehabber asap, you might actually get fined for having them. Keep plenty of water in a shallow dish, so that they can drink but not swim in it, and dampen the chick starter with water as well. One other thing, is the chick starter medicated? If it is, DON'T GIVE THEM ANY MORE OF IT! The medication in some chick starter is to prevent coccidiosis (sp?) and can acutally cause ducks to have serious development problems, like deformed legs/feet.

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